Reviews for Safe and Sound
Guest chapter 5 . 12/30/2018
Me enamoro de tu fic

Fue lindo
Emocionante y triste pero feliz porque lelouch mostrĂ³ el amor a suzaku y creo vi celos en kallen?
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 5 . 6/1/2014
The beginning was sad, I'm really glad that Suzaku and Lelouch found each other. I'm really glad this story had a happy ending. Suzaku and Lelouch are so cute together!

I loved this story so much!
LacqueredIce chapter 5 . 5/4/2014
I thought after Suzaku 'died' this was gonna be all depressing, and Lelouch was gonna kill himself or something, but then it was a happy ending so YAY!

This was so beautiful, I love the 'forbidden love' aspect of Suzaku and Lelouch's early relationship, so tragic. I tend to like Suzalulu in AU fics more, because canon has weird shit going on so they never really manage to be together, whereas other universes can go mad with the pairing, but in a good way
Have love 3, this is really great
FeliLud chapter 5 . 7/27/2013
I really love this story and wish you could consider writing a side story or an epilogue of this stroy.
With Suzaku back, Lelouch can be the charming little devil we all know again. I want to see how they are afterwards, did Lelouch get a higher rank in the Republic? I would guess he's not the type to just sit around. I'm already picturing him charming everyone with his good looks and strategiesXD
mandarin'peel chapter 5 . 4/6/2013
oh my lord I read this all at once because I could not stop once I started. I'm absolutely in love with this, definitely one of my favorite suzalulu fics ever! They're so sweet together, and it is refreshing to be able to remove them from the canon verse where everything is so messy and impossible.

It's always a thought on the backburner, the wondering of what it might be like had they not been thrust into the position they were in. For once they don't have all the love/hate, misunderstandings and restrictions they did and are able to just focus on each other and words cannot express how amazingly WONDERFUL that is. I love the both of them and its nice to see them in a no holds bared kind of affection. They're so sweet, and fit the part of destined lovers so well.

I'm also in awe of the contrast from beginning to end, the complete change in Suzaku. When he finally finds his place, the result is amazing. the strong self assured soldier that he becomes is breathtaking, and the scene where lelouch is the one that ends up breaking while suzaku holds and protects him brought me near to tears! I hope suzaku protects him for ever and ever and they live happily together into eternity ;_; I just want all the happiness for them. all of it.

you've set up the world so well, so its quite easy to imagine what might happen next with Kallen and the clean up and everything. I'd like to think that while it will be tough they'll stick it out and reach their happiness and never have to lose their trust in each other. Thank you for this wonderful story! It has certainly renewed my love for suzalulu :)
unheardcries chapter 5 . 2/17/2013
so beautiful
EriEri99 chapter 5 . 2/15/2013
Awwww, I would have loved to read more chapters! Anyway, thanks for the awesome read. I loved it to the end! :)
Wolf of Summer chapter 4 . 2/10/2013
I'm so excited that these two are back together. I really like Lelouch's description of how Suzaku's changed as well as the interesting sense of time in this fic.
Now I'm a bit apprehensive for the last part because everything seems so perfect (or almost perfect) right now, though I also want to read it as soon as possible! Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to the last chapter!
Piggy7869 chapter 4 . 2/10/2013
I've been out of fan fiction for a while and was very pleased to see chapters 3 and 4 up. As I said I'm in love with your writing and was really glad with Suzaku and Lelouch's turnout. I had no idea what was going to happen with Suzaku's (supposed) death and Lelouch being imprisoned, slowly deteriorating. With the way things were going I was expecting them to meet in the life. Though I'm glad to say you've turned a devastating tragedy into a love making, romantic, heartfelt reunion. Can't wait for your next and final update of this story, I know I'll love the ending 3
Kuroshiro-cchi chapter 4 . 2/9/2013
Awww suzaku romantic ya ...
Lelouch's cute UKE! like this author
Yey lets update chap 5 ya
my name is paper YAH chapter 4 . 2/7/2013
the drama and the reunion had me in tears and this new life for them has me cheering for these two all the way!
EriEri99 chapter 4 . 2/7/2013
Awwwww, that's okay. Gosh, I just love this story. I do hope that you make time to finish it. Maybe... maybe Lelouch and Suzaku will live in that floating Capitol in the sky! Omg, that sounds so perfect! I'll be waiting to read the next chapter, and don't forget your other stories!
Lawlipop chapter 4 . 2/3/2013
Omg phew he IS alive! You can't do that to me! 3 love the chapter, looking forward to the next. :)
Jenny chapter 4 . 2/3/2013
Awww! 3 Love this!
FeliLud chapter 4 . 2/2/2013
Ah...they finally met, me life is perfect now.
I thought Lelouch would be more emotional when seeing Suzaku, but he' still soo cool-headed XD
I just love how they interact and snuggle up with each other, I'm really feeling content just reading through the vivid lines and imagining it in my mind.
As long as there are awesome chapters being constantly updated I don't mind at all if I don't get personal messages, awesome stories are more important! XD
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