Reviews for Kinda Crazy
bsmouse chapter 15 . 11/22/2019
I really enjoyed this story, up until the end. I honestly believe that this is how it could have went. Jax was smart, and I think it was his decision to leave with Tara. It's sad that she was the only one to believe in him. And by your writing, anyone could see that he didn't want to live the life. It wasn't Tara making him leave, he wanted too. Thank you for your spin on things. Up until Opies death, Tara supported Jax and the club. She didn't start getting ready to run until the cartel, the lies, deaths, cheating, her arrest. I never understood why so many hated her. She was there for him through everything, and him and Gemma hurt her and lied to her constantly. She understood club life and accepted it. But what transpired thru the seasons wasn't true MC life. It was a walking nightmare for her. Jax and Tara would have done well for themselves away from Charming. It's just too bad they never got the chance. chapter 15 . 8/18/2019
I love this story. I think it's the third time I read it. By season 6, I hated Jax, by the 7th season, I despised him. This story reminds us about a time when Jax was capable of caring about other people, specifically Tara, rather than just the club, Gemma and himself.
Ang R chapter 15 . 7/4/2016
I love that Jax knew the happiness that Tara brought to him & his life, & could envision a different path in his life, recognizing he had potential for a different life. I hate that Gemma was so threatened by her sons potientional that she had to physically attack Tara. I like that Jax witnessed his mothers madness, got to see her for what she really was, a selfish mother.

I hate that Opie saw the truth, that Jax wasn't quite ready to give it all up, but was willing to try for Tara. Opie was right, Jax really needed to want it for himself, not to just be with Tara. The pull is just so heartbreaking, there's just no easy answer. I don't like that Tara left without talking to Jax, giving him that choice. I recognize though she did it because she loved him so much that she let him go. Little do they know how much their separation ended up breaking their spirits. They truly needed each other, they are each other's ying yang, they even each other out.

You promised an epilogue, will you come back & finish? I'd like to read the letter. Please? I feel so invested in this story. I don't want it to end. Thank you for such a well thought out, thought provoking story. I can't wait for you to return!
Ang R chapter 14 . 7/4/2016
My heart is just broken, they love each other so much.
Ang R chapter 13 . 7/4/2016
It makes me sad for Tara that her dad finally wants to be a dad, a little too late, a little too "Cats in the Cradle." I don't think he gets that his relationship with Tara had built the relationships for the rest of her life.

I like that Jax goes with Tara to the library & just sits, reads & watches her. I like that he asked her if she was truly ok & I was scared when she said he won't always be there. It's just too foreshadowing & depressing.

I was hoping there would be pride in gemmas eyes when she witnessed Tara fight these evil girls trying to stomp on Rachel's memory. You are right though, she's just too jealous. How sad to be jealous of a teenage girl that dating your son, one that may take your crown decades later. The smart thing would be of course to take her under her wing, not murder her with a carving fork. Gemma ruined everything...
Ang R chapter 12 . 7/4/2016
OMG, not Rachel! I've been telling you how much I loved this character. She really was the cement, she was wise, witty & funny. Her loss will definitely echo thru Charming. I Like that SAMCRO exacted retribution, on her behalf & told Unser. It makes sense of the bond they later shared. Also it shows how Candy could've help them in the future, she changed her life & became a cop after this. Most of all, I love that Tara acknowledged what happened to Rachel's killer & told & showed Jax she still loved him. This is what he needed to hear all along. Great, but sad chapter.
Ang R chapter 11 . 7/4/2016
Gemma is just so cruel to Jax, but I feel like he just doesn't get the extent of it.

I like how Tara stood up for herself, & that Jax prt cited her when he seen the guys go after her. You said this was the 1st real fight she had seen Jax in, but he was just fighting those guys with Opie at the park & that sounded like. A very real fight to me.

Them by the side of the road was very HOT!

I like the necklace he designed!
Ang R chapter 10 . 7/4/2016
I'm read your AN & I get your thought behind Tara getting the tattoo on her own, but to me it would need to be that she & Jax discussed it or Jax asked her to get it. It's the symbol of his club, if she got any other tattoo it would make sense she did it on her own. As a symbol of the club & her love for Jax, it seems like he should be part of it.

I like that she got to see Jax in a real fight, I'm not sure why I liked it but I did. Maybe to see him "at the office." I don't like that those guys stuck stuff in her bag & they got arrested again, but the thought of shock on gemmas face may make it all worth it... Lol
Ang R chapter 9 . 7/4/2016
I like that Rachel calls out bulksh*t in snapshot 1 on the reason for Jax's bruises, & like that Tara knows there's more to it. She's just too afraid to ask, & I think she's afraid of the response, the possible rejection, & what her reactions may be.

In snapshot 2, I like that Jax's reaction without thinking was to protect Opie, but this is taking such a tole on him. I love that his 1st reaction once back at the MC was to call Tara,for her to recognize immediately some thing was wrong, & to be there as soon as he walked out of church. They needed each other.

Clay allowing Gemma to dictate what Jax's doing in the club is infuriating. I can't believe that Ckay goes with it, it really does make him weak in snapshot 3.

I hate how Jax pushes Tara away in snapshot 4& I hate how she leaves their relationship telling him not to call for the week. I like at least they acknowledge they love each other, but it seems too hard

It makes no sense that Jax didn't call Tara in snapshot 5 when he arrived home, I know he says its to give her space, but I say you call & tell her your safe & go from there. Men are silly! So that's what led to him letting the crow eater crawl all over him, duh!

The anger Tara in snapshot 6 scares the bejesus out of me. Her anger is so blinding that she can't even control herself. This type of behavior is so much like Gemma that it's frightening. She needs to recognize how she's behaving & what she's doing to herself. It makes me think of how Tara was after finding Jax with Colette, how she lost herself. I like that Jax acknowledged that he was pushing her away, & that Tara took him back.

Ps- I really like your authors notes, I feel like I'm in a book club! I like talking about the stories I read...
Ang R chapter 8 . 7/4/2016
Again I have to say how much I like Rachel, she's very well written & well spoken. I feel like she gives very thoughtful & true advice. Whereas Donna really has her head in the sand. I think that you've done a very good job portraying the young version of Donna that we came to see in season 1.

I kind of wish I could lock Tara & Jax in a room & let them just really talk. I kind of wish that could've happened in the cell, but Tara was passed out & talking about criminal activity in a police station is probably not wise. I think sometimes I forget that they're 17& immature, I want them to act like mature adults. They just need to talk.

I like that Jax shook Tara's dads hand, & that Tara's dad knew he's been to their house. If her dads been hanging out a lot at TM, how has he not run into Jax or had Gemma all up in his face about Tara?

I do like how Jax took control in the Gigi situation & how Chibs acknowledges that. I like his quick thinking with the miners address as well. Jax is truly a thinker & a leader.
Ang R chapter 7 . 7/4/2016
I found the progression of this chapter very sad, but interesting. To start with Jax's birthday & entering his prospecting year with such a great start with Tara, to him then missing her birthday, partaking in a death, forgetting his anniversary & then burying someone. That has really taken a tole on him & Tara, their relationship is crumbling because of it. I know that this leads to the downward spiral that makes her leave & that makes me so sad because what they had was so special.

I laughed out loud about Opie's comment about never being with a pussy eating girl, too funny with what his future holds. Very creative line!
Ang R chapter 6 . 7/4/2016
I do think Tara should be able to hang out with who she wants, but I totally think Hales hitting on her as you don't see 16 yr olds just kissing old friends on the cheek. If girls were kidding Jax on the cheek I think Tara would be livid. I like how she helped Jax pull a fast one with the fireworks. I found gemmas behavior horrifying, why would she ever have such picture of her son? How gross!
Ang R chapter 5 . 7/3/2016
I flipping love this chapter! I love the progression of the snapshots, they flowed very well from one to the next. I could feel the relationship progressing. I feel bad for both Jax & Tara with gemmas cruelty. I just don't get her selfishness, she should support her son, not fight him on something healthy & loving. I have to say your love scenes are some of the best & most well written I've read.
Ang R chapter 4 . 7/3/2016
I like that Jax shows up at Tara's house before school. I love how Rachel points out to Tara what's going on with Jax's feeling for her. I like how open that Jax & Tara are with each other on the hike. I like that Tara asks to take things slow & Jax agrees.
Ang R chapter 3 . 7/3/2016
Another great long chapter! I don't understand why the guys have to work so late on the weekends? I really like this Rachel character, she's a very good wing man! She's also very white & does have a sixth sense. I like how Jax stopped to help Lowell & that Tara got to see the real Jax.
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