Reviews for Something You Don't Need To See
ArkieR chapter 1 . 12/2/2015
Aww, this is just adorable!
Eccentric.Elevator chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
Oh my gosh ._. I'll be honest, I think Blind!Iggy is one of my faves too xD no matter what that says about me xD

But, oh. my. gosh. THIS IS GREAT ._. I hope you're willing to do a chapter two, cause that'd be so amazing! XD This is awesome! :D

I hope you do, but if not then don't give it an extra thought, because authors comfort comes first :D

Please and thanks, and have a good day! u
hipsterJesus chapter 1 . 3/31/2013
i just realized the past few fanfics i have reviewed/favorited have been by you x3.
Keep up the good work
petite.hope chapter 1 . 3/12/2013
Aaah, I'm still curious about what happened to Arthur and Crumpet though... Nice story! wb
InvaderPey chapter 1 . 2/20/2013
Please continue! I, as a matter of fact, also love blind!Arthur but nobody ever finishes them!
aquamarinetiger98 chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
This was beautiful, I'd love another chapter :3
I like the story and how its going, please continue this wonderful story!
ixbranna16 chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
Awesome, truly awesome dude! lol It's me, Alfred.
alguien22792 chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
Oh this sounds interesting! I like a blind Arthur too! XD
The Whomping Pillow chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
This is great! :) I really want to see what happens next. Keep up the good work!
Puolukka chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
Wah this story is amazing! I also love Blind!Artie even if it's quite... mean? Anyway I found it really interesting C:
lucibeans chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
You should do another chapter! I like it!
StrawberryDuckFeathers chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
The concept of blind!Arthur is something I've seen done a couple of times and I think it's pretty interesting too. :) I found that opening sentence to be pretty effective. It's strange to imagine a world without light. I've just looked up ROP, and it seems you've done your research quite well. Your writing style is also very nice and flows well in most cases. I think Crumpet is an adorable name for a dog. :3 England and America seem pretty in-character and their dialogue seems like stuff they would actually say. I like how well you described America's curiosity, too. :) This is pretty good. I found the ending to be sweet, too. It seems fine as a one-shot. I don't think this needs another chapter. The end line makes it sound finished. So maybe you could get rid of the end line and then write another chapter. Whatever works best for you. :)


. (Leave a review) 'Please leave a review' would be politer.

. (that he had ever been though) 'though' should be 'through'.

. (In fact, he didn't even know what red looked like. Or blue. Or green, or purple, or any other colour that could be named.) Could be shortened:

[ In fact, he didn't know what any colour looked like.]

. (Because Arthur was blind.) I think this would be more effective without the 'because'. It'd seem more sudden.

. (Retinopathy of prematurity) Doesn't need capitalising here.

. ((a name that didn't quite fit her appearance, let's be honest) ) Would be better without 'let's be honest'.

. (return with lunch which he would read before starting on his knitting) This is a bit confusing when you first read it. Maybe it could be changed to:

[ return with lunch. He would read the label before starting on his knitting ]

. (Kensington gardens) both should be capitalised- 'Kensington Gardens'.

. (It was on a day, a sunny, sunny day that Arthur was walking down the street with lovely, loyal Crumpet at his side when he heard a dog bark.) Could be shortened:

[ It was on a sunny day that Arthur was walking his loyal companion Crumpet...when he heard a dog bark. ]

. (Now, let it be known that usually) It'd be fine as just 'usually'.

. (dog friendly) better hyphenated.

. (Well, it was, the bark was the start of it all, but, the real problem happened after the dog barked.) Shorten this to: 'The real problem happened after the dog barked'.

. (his ears were roaring with the mix of adrenalin ) This doesn't make sense to me, as you can't hear adrenaline. Maybe you could leave this part out and say his ears were roaring with the cars passing by or something.

. ("C-crumpet?" He called out, fearfully,) the comma between 'out' and 'fearfully' can be taken out.

Unless a dialogue tag begins with something that'd be capitalised anyway (like a name) you don't capitalise it. Examples:

[ "Wow!" America exclaimed. ]
[ "Wow!" exclaimed America. ]

. (What on earth was) Since you're referring to the planet Earth, 'Earth' should be capitalised.

. ((read: sarcasm intended) ) Don't point out the joke; it ruins the effect.

. ('no, if the bloody guide dog didn't give the fact that I'm blind away, then my bloody white cane should!) I think the second 'bloody' should be taken out. It sounds better without it.

. (when he remembered that, well,) Take 'well' out here.

. ((*cough*told*cough*)) change to (or told). It's less jarring that way.

. Don't overuse 'bloody' in England's speech. Use it sparingly and you have more realistic English-sounding dialogue. Overuse it and it looks more like a stereotypical idea of English speech. I'm English myself, and we don't use it that often- normally only when we're annoyed at something, or if we think something is silly. You haven’t necessarily done this next bit, but here’s another tip : Try not to use it more than once or twice in a sentence. Try not to put 'bloody' in random spots, too. Examples:

ANNOYED: [What did you do to my bloody flowers?!] [Where's the bloody remote?]
FINDING SOMETHING SILLY: [What a bloody idiot!]

. ((or three inches as those stupid, bloody Americans put it)) It'd be better without this.

. (milky, and white) would sound fine without the comma.

. (Finally! "Yes," he responded, a bit snappish. "Problem?") Would sound more snappy as just "Yes."

. (Arthur replied, earnestly, because, honestly, he needed Crumpet,) better as:

[ Arthur replied earnestly; he needed Crumpet. ]

. ("Er, right. I'm Alfred F. Jones, hero extraordinaire and here to save the day!" Arthur imagined he was doing some childish ) Everything after the dialogue is about Arthur, so you'd need to start a new paragraph for it.

[ ("Er, right. I'm Alfred F. Jones, hero extraordinaire and here to save the day!"

Arthur imagined he was doing some childish ]

Seems pretty good. Keep up the good work. :)
Galythia chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
First off, I really like your style. It's quirky, sarcastic, and serious enough to be a perfect balance for Arthur. I find the same when we RP as well. It makes him mature, but you can tell that back in the day, he really had something going for him, and he was just as fun-loving as the next guy (in his own way, of course). Even when blind, I kept thinking that he probably found ways to entertain himself quite nicely as a child, simply because that's how he came across. I like that multidimensional aspect of the way you tend to portray England.

As for criticisms, I guess I only have two: commas and a plot point.

We'll start with the commas. I find that perhaps you may use an overabundance of commas sometimes, and while it may be grammatically correct, it does tend to stop the flow of a person's reading. Thus, perhaps sometimes it is better to go in favor of fluency and forgo some commas and stops. Either that, or simply use less clauses. Split up your sentences more and be less timid with your pronouns (I'm not calling you timid; it's just the way I phrase things).

Second, I would have loved to find out what Alfred had saved Arthur from! Maybe I missed a sentence somewhere in there, but I don't think you mentioned it. Was it a car accident? Why was there glass, and what was Alfred doing to get there? And if there was some accident, then wouldn't the accident people want Arthur involved in the proceedings and stuff? It was just something that I kept wondering about as I read on, and I was sad to see that I never got to find out.

That being said, please write another chapter! How did Alfred change Arthur's life? You can't leave me hanging like this! It's a very fast jump from "Hello, this is Alfred" to "And that is how my whole future was different and this guy made it awesome." There's a lot in the middle that I didn't get to see (even though we all know it's sweet falling in love USxUK), and I want to see it! Keep up the good work, lass!