Reviews for All It Took Was Three Days
BB Masen-Cullen chapter 15 . 9/18/2018
Loved reading about these two!
ChristyWIX chapter 15 . 10/14/2015
Wonderful ending, I loved it. Actually, I think this was my favorite story of yours. It was also the very last of yours I had to read from your library. Thank you for the journey through all of your stories. I've enjoyed my time in your world. Definitely this being my favorite stop. ~Christy
ChristyWIX chapter 14 . 10/14/2015
Ha! I guessed that in an earlier review . . . the reason that Emmett wasn't calling Bella was that he found Rose. I'm thinking they were sleeping together the whole time too. It was kind of harsh the way that Emmett broke it off with Bella. I'm glad that she wanted to end things with him n the first place or, that would've hurt. At least he explained why he did it so quickly and harshly. He was nervous and wanted to get it over with. She accepted that. Loved that Edward was down on one knee proposing the same time that Emmett was looking for the engagement ring. Perfect! I may have to watch Moonstruck someday. I really liked that it worked out for all involved. I'm guessing that Esme and Carlisle will be thrilled that their sons are speaking to one another again. Won't they be surprised that the engagement party has a new groom in it! LOL
ChristyWIX chapter 13 . 10/14/2015
I love that Charlie remebered in time. Whew! Then she panicked because she thought she had days, not that very day, to think of what to say. Eek! Loved that Renee and Charlie seemed to instantly accept the things happening with Edward and Bella. Accepting him. I did like that Charlie pointed out that what she did was wrong to do, even though they love each other. Good dad words there. BxE have matching hicky's . . . too damn funny. Hickey's, I remind you, that are not covered up and Emmett is there . . . YIKES!
ChristyWIX chapter 12 . 10/14/2015
Ruh-roh Charlie! Yikes! I really liked Renee in this. I also really liked how forthcoming Bella was with her. Even about the sex. That was a wonderful conversation. Renee is quite observant and notice the hickey, that even Bella didn't notice. Wonder if Charlie noticed it? Eek! So, Emmett's coming home early and Bella doesn't know. Edward is coming to town, the very next day . . . which is also the day that Emmett told Charlie that he'd be coming by. Bella's going to have some 'splainin to do. I love that Renee is already on board with this new relationship. I also really liked that Charlie noticed Bella was settling with both Jake and Emmett. I hope he sees the same sparks that Renee sees in his daughters eyes when Edward is around.
ChristyWIX chapter 11 . 10/14/2015
I was about to say that an office would never give out her personal information, as he could be a stalker or, worse. Yet, you beat me to it with your author note at the bottom advising us to just let it go, for fiction's sake. LOL. I simultaneously like and don't like that Edward is going to Seattle. I don't like it because it could just make things worse for Bella, by him being there. I like it because it is showing her solidarity and that he really does love her, by wanting to handle the tough things together as a team.
ChristyWIX chapter 10 . 10/14/2015
I hope that the note doesn't get lost under the bed. He'll think the worst. I'm glad she's decided upon Edward, like we knew she would. I don't think that Emmett will be too thrilled that she's breaking up with him. I do hope he takes it like a man though and doesn't pull anything crappy with her. I also hope that Edward understands why she had to go and doesn't do anything to mess this up.
ChristyWIX chapter 9 . 10/14/2015
Who falls in love in two days? My husband and I fell in love in three. No joke. It happened. Twenty-five years later, more in love than ever! Fairy tale love is out there too . . . we won that lottery as well. I Ike that Edward noticed her pulling away from him on that car ride home. I really love that he broke it down for her, too. She needed to be told that. Needed to hear it. I just hope she listens to him.
ChristyWIX chapter 8 . 10/14/2015
What a beautiful date. The dinner was extremely refreshing to not have either Bella or Edward hit on, when they are clearly together. We knew it wasn't a real date but, the employees never do so, it always bugs me when they are hit on. Thank you for doing it this way. The ballet sounded like they both had a magical time together. She fell for him and who can blame her? He's done everything right. I like that this is going the way it is however, when she sees Emmett again and has distance from Edward, will she go full steam ahead with Emmett? Interesting.
ChristyWIX chapter 7 . 10/14/2015
Considering Forks is as big as a postage stamp, I'm very glad she found everything she needed. And, that quickly. I really enjoyed meeting Alice and reading that whole section. Wondering if Emmett is not really on a business trip at all. Perhaps he's setting up Bella and Edward? That would be very far fetched but, it makes me curious. He could have met Rosalie at the important meeting of his and he spent his night the very same way Bella spent hers. That would be convenient.
ChristyWIX chapter 6 . 10/14/2015
Whew! She does remember it all. Good. It was going to be all kinds of unbelivable if she didn't. Especially with her initiating several of the times. I really liked that he threw it all out on the table with her. Letting her know that she is 'it' for him. That he will woo her. That part when he replied to her wedding question, with him asking if she was proposing to him, was very funny. It all went extremely well. I liked that he's not giving up on her. I wonder how pregnant she is right now? And, when was the last time she slept with Emmett? Best guess is, she'll know it's definitely Edward's, not Emmett's, that's how long. Or better yet, she's not pregnant! That would be refreshing as hell. I love this idea of dinner and the ballet. It was a bit odd that Edward was calling Bella out on not being with anyone else since Jake and jumped right into the relationship with Emmett. When in fact, he's doing the exact same thing. He's not been in a relationship since Kate and he's professing his love for her. Pot, meet kettle.
ChristyWIX chapter 5 . 10/14/2015
Thank you for all that hot as hell sexy time. Better yet, it was all in EPOV! My favorite! Especially the schmexy stuff. This was very hot. Is is really possible that she remembers nothing? How is that even possible? They've been sleeping on and off all night . . . and she came to him in the shower! So no, I don't buy that at all. She's just now, in the light of day, realizing what she's done and this is the way she's going to play it. Not cool Bella. Now I see what you were saying, when you said we'd be frustrated with her. She knows exactly what she did and is going to hide behind a ruse. Wow.
ChristyWIX chapter 4 . 10/14/2015
I'm rather surprised that a licensed therapist, that's partially through her phd, is using the word 'stupid' to address Edward. Dismissing his feelings completely and telling him he should be over it by now. He. Lost. A. Hand! Not just a broken heart either, as he was betrayed by the bitch Kate . . . with his own flesh and blood. His brother! He's supposed to just get over that and move on? No. Not at all. It's only been five years. He's wallowing, I'll give you that. However, he's doing in in his own home in his own town. He's chosen to separate from his brother and I don't blame him at all. I was surprised that they are heading down this path so soon. Again, they are now just as guilty as what Emmett and Kate did. I should read the summary of moonstruck on Wiki or something. So, I'm better prepared for these surprises.
ChristyWIX chapter 3 . 10/14/2015
Well, Edward is one hundred percent justified in how he feels in this one. The fact that Emmett was so callous about it, when it first happened is kind of disgusting. I'm glad that Bella saw what I mentioned in my review. That Emmett sent her to fight his battles. That's extremely shitty. A part of me is very happy that this will eventually be a Bella and Edward pairing, just to get back at Emmett for what he did to Edward. The other part knows there is going to be some major roadblocks ahead, for that very reason. Neither will want to do to Emmett, what he did to Edward. Should be an interesting ride. I'm suddenly very happy this is only 45K words and not 150K words.
ChristyWIX chapter 2 . 10/14/2015
Hmmm . . . not sure it's fair of Emmett to send Bella to fight whatever battle this is. He won't even tell her what it is. Just sends her down there, blind. That certainly doesn't sound like love to me, on Emmett's part. If Edward won't take Emmett's calls . . . I'm not surprised he would shut the door in his fiancés face. I hope this Bella of yours is a strong one and that she doesn't take that from him. Actually, it would be quite funny if she let herself in and told him that was rude.
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