Reviews for Gasoline and Concentrate
leaky.oven chapter 3 . 2/13/2013

I'd quote what I liked the most but it'd be the whole damn chapter.
leaky.oven chapter 2 . 2/1/2013


Chuck Palahniuk and Desdemona Kakalose and all the grit and neo-noire and and and OH MY GOD, CONRAD. Dat narratiiiive. He WOULD be played by Stephen Norton, eesh, swear to god, that EGGHEAD OF HIS 3 I can't/

I literally cannot words right now

Two of my, no, THREE of my favorite things, all together in AUsville on FFnet. The noise I am making can only be heard by dolphins.
Turquoise.ebonyfox chapter 2 . 1/16/2013
Yay for updates. :)
Tobi Is My Name chapter 2 . 1/12/2013
Poor Conrad! Doesn't he know that there's nothing wrong with him, just a massive germaphobe and why does he always fight his feelings for Worth? Really, they need to be together and that's that!
The Famous Fire Lady M chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
Okay, seeing as I just finished reading the book literal hours before I read the chapter that's up, I get it all. And I love how it's going, but I'm terrified how you're going to handle it. I have faith in you, and I wanna see if the plot will change at all compared to the book/movie. Also I laughed at the vampire line, yeah, I know it was in the book but it's funny when it's worth and Conrad.
Cacodaemonia chapter 1 . 1/3/2013
Oh-ho, very interesting! I'm intrigued. :) You really nailed the tone. Even if you hadn't said it was a Fight Club AU and I would have figured it out really quickly just by the way you describe things. Do you have a lot of this planned/written already, or are you just posting as you go?
FattySkeleton chapter 1 . 1/3/2013
ok, i never read or watched fight club, so this might make sense to someone who has, but i'm just sitting here with a question mark hovering over my head, and i would really like it if you could explain the basics for me.
KnittWitt chapter 1 . 1/3/2013
/fails uncontrollably with joy/
Turquoise.ebonyfox chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
Wow. XD This is just-I dunno how you did it, but wow! I look forward to the next chapter.