Reviews for Christmas Wrapping
pokemaster101 chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
Aw...I love this OT3.
DistantWhite chapter 1 . 3/16/2015
Dang, a genuine friendship fanfic... me love. thank you for such an excellent fanfic :D
fluffpenguin chapter 1 . 11/1/2014
Great story
Lel chapter 1 . 6/4/2014


Does whatever a swellow can
Shadow Flame 777 chapter 1 . 4/10/2013
Louricam The Manga Freak chapter 1 . 1/25/2013
So cute!
Hiii chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
This was great, I love how Red tries to ignore the fact that he has to go to the party. Red is the silent one who watches over everything, Blue is the excited one who gets things done and Green is the one who just has to bear the brunt of everything from everyone. I love this balance you've created; I would have never thought of this from the game verse universe but it fits them-an older, more mature version of them. Thank you for this.
Farla chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
Dialogue is written as "Hello," she said or "Hello!" she said, never "Hello." She said or "Hello." she said or "Hello," She said or "Hello" she said. The only exception to this is if the next sentence doesn't contain a speech verb, in which case it's written as "Hello." She grinned, never "Hello," she grinned or "Hello," She grinned or "Hello." she grinned. Note that something isn't a speech verb just because it's a sound you make with your mouth, so generally stuff like laughed or giggled is in the second category. Furthermore, if you're breaking up two complete sentences it's "Hi," she said. "This is it." not "Hi," she said, "this is it." or "Hi," she said "this is it." And if you're breaking up a sentence in the middle, it's "Hi. This," she said, "is it." And the same punctuation and capitalization applies to thoughts.

You wouldn't capitalize animal or mouse or dragon, so you shouldn't capitalize words like pokemon or pikachu or charizard. The only time you should capitalize it is if you're using it as the pokemon's name, ie, Ash's pikachu is called Pikachu. This is because you only capitalize when it's a proper noun, which are the names of places or things. Similar reasoning should be applied to any other words you're thinking of capitalizing, like telephone or trainer. Or professor.

[christmas ]

Does need to be capitalized, in contrast.

Anyway, this seemed like plotless fluff about OCs with the same names.
my pen is better than my sword chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
Aw this was cute 3 I really liked it