Reviews for Scaramouche: An Abridged Romance of the French Revolution
Writtenaspr chapter 3 . 5/25/2017
Hello Ms. M. Jones,
Why didn't you keep on with the quick description of the film, and you did so well, I was in stitches...
And you didn't mention that the very last scene in the film has one of the longest, hardest and most consummately professional duelling scenes in film-history - Stewart Granger was at his peak, and he was no flickering flash-light, or saved by computer animation-pah! , but a true- learnt it and do it yourself - actor.
*inclines my head and curtsies in respect*
It directly inspired the duel in Princess Bride.
Dude, I'm reviewing, but there is no updating going on here.
Well done, and very light-hearted. I hope it helped your schooling.
You made me laugh a lot.
Happy writing in fanfic.
Inanna chapter 4 . 5/30/2015
It's too bad you have have not continued this because it provided me quite a few giggles. Yes, things were different then, but seeing a modern perspective on it is still pretty amusing.

Not sure if you got through the book or not, but if you didn't and still have the attention span of a gnat on cocaine, you might want to check out the movie with Stewart Granger, Janet Leigh, and Eleanor Parker. Not a bad movie by any means, but should the plot bore you at any point, the actors (male and female) are pretty nice eye candy and the cinematography was rather posh looking (at least for 1950's).
Bookwyrm25 chapter 4 . 3/18/2014
I'm just laughing bc some of your off the cuff assumptions were so wrong it pains me. I really hope you finished this book. It's one of the greats.
Pappenheimer chapter 4 . 3/3/2013
Well, enjoy Les Mis. Hugo really likes description. He takes his time to build up. He will spend thirty pages detailing one thing. Savor it.
Pappenheimer chapter 3 . 2/12/2013
Oh gog. I want to read this now. But I wish I had time to, so I'll settle for your abridged version for now. Me gusta. And totally no-homo. Back then, they had a thing for bromances. If you ever decide to watch the Hornblower tv miniseries, just look at 'Ratio and Archie, and later 'Ratio and Bush. Guys back then were tight. And they fully embraced the styles, too. Heeled shoes. Makes them taller. Makes them prance.