Reviews for Resolution
Rerin chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
...and thank you, I needed a good cry-from-happiness today!

I thought this review would be a long string of me screaming "awwww!" over and over at each moment, but it just HAS to be more than that, because this story is totally worth so much more than that simple reaction.

Favorite lines:

"He could just picture what he would find – John feigning polite interest as his latest female acquaintance regaled him with her so-called talent. It would be doing John and the world at large a favor to interrupt, and to shut the dreadful dissonance down with a cutting remark." (I giggled at that).

"Sherlock grudgingly admitted to himself that John's surprisingly smooth tenor carried the tune pleasantly enough," (AWWW!)

"There was quite enough unlistenable dreck in the world already, without over-aged novices adding their lamentable contributions." (LOL oh that is such a Sherlockish thought, aaaaaaaaa I LOVE IT!)

"Although still very strongly tempted, Sherlock deliberately drew his hand away and stepped back." (OMG good boy, Sherlock! His trainer should seriously throw him a treat.)

"...refusing in embarrassment to trespass further on the territory already so competently occupied by Sherlock and his violin." (awww John you break my heart! I remember my little sister crying when asked to show something she had drawn, because her big sister's art skills were always better than hers. sniffle!)

"'Westminster Carol'", he said simply. "Please." Several heartbeats passed, which felt more like an eternity. John hesitated, indecisive. But in hearing that one word, its sincerity proven by the presence of the violin in Sherlock's hands, John was flooded with all the praise he never expected for his hard-earned progress, approval freely given by the one person who(se) opinion mattered most." (*cries forever* This is the most perfect ending of anything ever. Like, if they never made another episode of the show, I would want the final episode they make to end EXACTLY LIKE THIS. Thank you for this, thank you and bless you, you are perfect and I love you for this story!)

...seriously. How else can I communicate how beautiful this story is to me? I am going to keep this one in my brain forever. This may be the best thing Sherlock has ever done for John. Oh, and your writing is spectacular. Top-shelf, gorgeous. Savory and seasoned. My own grasp of language is inadequate for the task of praising yours.

*worships you*
Lucy36 chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
Oh, that was such a cute story ! Sherlock's efforts mirrored in John's, all the little deceptions he went through so that John could continue... Makes me want to hug him, duvet and all ! :-)
Heather Snow chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
Nice. I love how Sherlock made his deduction and kept his mouth shut for a year, while quietly supporting John.
ShinySherlock chapter 1 . 1/1/2013
Awwwww. That was lovely. Thank you. I adore your Mrs. Hudson and her ill-fated resolution. And Sherlock's "please" was perfect.
Arty Diane chapter 1 . 1/1/2013
That was so cute! I liked the idea that Sherlock was able to keep to his resolution for so long, way to go boys!
hjohn302 chapter 1 . 1/1/2013
I love this! What a great fic to welcome in the New Year with!

I really enjoy the struggle Sherlock went through to let John practice his music, without interfering, or letting him know anyway, that he knew what John was doing. For once, he read human emotions well enough to know that John would want this private, at least for the time being. What an exercise in patience for Sherlock!

I love just how the simple request of a song and the "Please" and Sherlock's violin in hand, was enough for John, enough praise from his friend... enough to convince him to sit back down and start playing.

Loved this!
bobby45 chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
Yup, that's what John would pick. I never did quite buy the clarinet idea. I like how S's conflict changes over the course of the story.
123-321 chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
aww cute!