Reviews for Hidden identity
Guest chapter 70 . 7/31
You finally get over the 70 ch rehash and then the battle with the voltuti last one chapter? Ugh...
Guest chapter 68 . 7/31
I have to say I’m a little disappointed. The story started out good. And with the amount of chapters I was all set for a good read. But then you spent 40 or so chapters replaying the entire story for the cullens through a pensieve. Technically just the story with Harry’s role now shared by Bella and Harry. You even redid the first few chapters so the cullens could see!? The only addition was POV of the cullens and their few ‘ omg’ comments. Story has potential but wayyyyy too much time on retelling- I ended up skimming through many paragraphs- hoping for new content but ultimately disappointed.
Nightingale7777 chapter 48 . 8/1
I just wanted to give some constructive criticism. Arizona is surrounded by desert, not beaches. To get to the closest ocean front you'd have to either cross the boarder into Mexico or take a trip to California. Other than that, I absolutely love this story.
Guest chapter 26 . 7/29
Such a good story and you fit Bella seemlessly in the potter story!
LillianMarie2 chapter 11 . 7/23
I feel her pain, I'm so clumbsy, the other day my toe got caught on my own pajama pants and I nearly went head first into a wall lol
LillianMarie2 chapter 8 . 7/23
I'm glad you included the part where they save the muggleborns from the MOM most people leave it out.
twilightfangirl05 chapter 78 . 7/22
This is the best fanfiction story I've ever read!
glowdust3 chapter 78 . 7/21
Nice job following through and finishing it!
Guest chapter 78 . 7/13
KacY chapter 41 . 7/12
This is awesome!
Wolvie26 chapter 78 . 6/23
Love it! What website do you use now?
Ashbutcher1984 chapter 78 . 6/9
Just finished your story and I loved it! Anything that is as long as your story always tells me that the writer has passion and a lot to say and I am never going to mind a long story that takes time to finish! Out of curiosity where do you write now?
Guest chapter 78 . 5/8
I would love to read a continual or one-shots of this story! I love your story and it's probable my favorite HP/Twilight crossover story I have ever read!
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 41 . 10/17/2019
Its spelled Auror. Seriously. How can you get key things so fucked up when you basically are plagiarising the book almost word for word, until you need to add Bella, then it mixes in Twilight. That bit may be the only original part I've read thus far.
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 36 . 10/17/2019
Okay, you can't rummage through things in someone's memory as if they were physical, hence it is a memory. The only way to see the contents of something is if the person whose memory you are in went through the object. Hence the fact that Alice could go through the drawer when Bella did not, is impossible. It's not a part of the memory, therefore it never even happened. This isn't totally horrible, though I wish it was more than just a retelling of the books with another character added in at places to tie in the two stories. If you are going to write it as a pensive MEMORY then make it stick to the lore and not pick and choose what is true or false from the stories.
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