Reviews for Half
L Mono chapter 2 . 1/13/2013
I like this story and how you present the characters an relationships. I hope you do continue this
CicadaSix chapter 2 . 1/12/2013
K was an unbelievable anime, although it ended too soon for my liking, leaving me trawling around fanfiction sites for something that would hopefully satisfy my hunger for more of the story. Now this was a treat, and definitely a delight to read. I loved the dynamics between Suoh and Munakata, and this was a very good portrayal indeed.

Your third person description (via Awashima) of how Munakata dealt with Suoh's demise was touching and emotional without necessarily being sappy. The tone reflected Awashima's personality, and the narrative felt convincingly like her.

That aside, I was a bit apprehensive when I started Chapter 2 and found that it was in Munakata's POV. But reading on, I found that there wasn't any need for me to be, for everything - the words, the conversations, the reactions - were believably Munakata's. Here's hoping for a chapter from Suoh's POV.

Good work!
Yaana chapter 2 . 1/12/2013
Absolutely lovely story! Nicely written and in-character. I shall hope for more. :P
cupsuke chapter 2 . 1/12/2013
omg, i love what you wrote there..the first chapter really gave an impression on how broken munakata inside was, and the second one is just unbelievable awesome... i really like the idea so far, i'm SO friggin curious, hope you update soon :D
Kaoriocha chapter 1 . 12/29/2012
"Her mind is as white as the snow that fell on that summer night weeks ago,.." - Summer hah? Am I reading it right? or am I missing something? The setting was summer and it was snowing...?

The general mood seems sad, which is good. :)
Jiggywidit chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
I seriously want to review all the fics in this wave of angst after that last episode, but I find I have nothing to say.
Excellent story, by the way. All my MunaMiko feels are being thrown around by awesome writers like you!/crys foreverrr