Reviews for Which Brings Me to You
MsLiss chapter 13 . 6/23
Oh I like this Charlie
Thank you
vampirelady13 chapter 24 . 6/18
It is a really good story. Thank you
vampirelady13 chapter 23 . 6/18
Do you have something against boys? I don't like the names Halston is justified no offense or Bradly for a girl.
vampirelady13 chapter 22 . 6/18
If you ask me Bella is a selfish idiot. She does know it should be both there decision not just here selfish. She did admit that the married to Nadler was her stupid not Jaspers. Shelves Welsh ass I feel sorry for Edward if Bella can't compromise and has to have everything her way. I can understand some of Harper's anger towards her. I want to slap her myself.
vampirelady13 chapter 21 . 6/18
Poor Charlie that is all have to say except your Bella suck sometimes I sartorial her.
vampirelady13 chapter 18 . 6/18
Jasper would not get full custody because of him taking her and dropping her off at someone else's house. Also saying she was mistake would also hurt him he needs to grow up. I blame his enough mother for how he turned out.
vampirelady13 chapter 16 . 6/18
I think Bella is horrible for not telling the parents all together. That is rotten the way she just treated Charlie. I feel bad for him Bella is horrible to him sometimes. I do hope they have a boy and a girl.
vampirelady13 chapter 15 . 6/18
Nadler is an idiot and a horrible father. Lilly is a child not a grow up. Lilly is actually more mature than Nadler and that is sad.
vampirelady13 chapter 14 . 6/18
I think Bella is stupid when it comes to marriage really it was her fault for picking someone who was selfish. The signs were there she was to stupid to see them. I hope Edward does not marry her because obviously she is afraid of commitment.
vampirelady13 chapter 10 . 6/18
Yes I do want to punch Jasper. He needs to grow up and be there for Lilly and work with Bella.
rebecca's mom chapter 24 . 6/16
Love, love, LOVED this story! Your Edward is one of my favorites. Thank you for a lovely story. I am so happy you continued the one-shot. I will miss this family so much. XO
miawmiaw chapter 24 . 5/28
Such a wonderful story. I am only discovering this now. Love it if you can have a sequel too.
MiccaF chapter 24 . 4/20
Absolutely loved this!
Godschildtweety chapter 24 . 4/10
Lovely story
lola-cullen-salvatore chapter 22 . 10/27/2019
don't care how many times I read this story, I still love it.
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