Reviews for Love Bells
Mel Writer chapter 1 . 7/23/2013
this was sooo sweet, i don't even need sugar in my coffee this morning! LOL
He-who-runs-into-walls chapter 1 . 3/21/2013
Kyaaaa... I always thought anyoneX72 was just an excuse for Cool!Tsuna or Seme!Tsuna romantic writing but you've given me a new hope
Momoharuno chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
What is a beanie?
MinaNaru4ever - 8027forever chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
Hello hello hello!

Sorry to have reviewed just now, I've been busy with many stuffs during Christmas. Anyway, responding to your author's note, I want to ask you something. Are you sure you are a new writer? I got a feeling that you've been writing some before. I mean, your writing style doesn't seem to be coming from a newbie writer. It looks like an experienced writer. I'm serious! I'm not exaggerating! Compared to my first fics, this fic just tops it down hands down! Wow!

Your writing style is nice too. You got a well paced story, not too fast or dragging the story too long. Not to mention a good grammar too. It's just impressive to me and it really does NOT seem like a newbie writer wrote it. But if so, that means you are one talented one. A prodigy perhaps? LOL

I do love this fic. It's very cute. I think you got the whole emotions in this story just right. And, of course, my favorite part is the climax one! The part when Yamamoto hug Tsuna and gave the bells, then he confessed how he really love Tsuna. I mean it, it was like, so Awwwww! You did really amazing at that! I want to squeal so bad but I won't cause I'm a boy! Aahahahahaha! You did great on that fluff. I mean it! It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!

And, of course, the confession part and the kissing part is very nicely written! You set the mood just right and it makes me happy to imagine the kissing part as the bell jingled. Awww. Yamamoto and Tsuna is so cute!

Thank you for uploading this! I wish to see more and more 8027 stories coming from you, yeah? Thanks for the goodness!
ilYamaTsuna7227li chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
XD okay, this review signifies I have read your entry!
Good job and good luck in the challenge!
Autore Raita chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
Sweet! :) It made me melt completely!