Reviews for Christmas
Lau Whisperer chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
This. Is. Adorable!

I’ve read this twice now and the scene that stuck out for me the most was when Ed made a snowball for Alicia.

Ed sneakily making this big snowball, getting excited by the prospect of Maes Hughes getting a snowball in the face by Ed’s little accomplice, Alicia, was so funny. The soft scolding pat on his butt by Royas he observed this toddler-executed plan in action...just too charming!

“Man down, man down”! Lol...I can see Alicia fall face first into Ed’s snowball as she trips. Just charming.

AndGracia...yes...she is the most cunning and well disguised of would never suspect the fine point of cunning her well-meaning manipulation can be. Defenseless men in the face of such stealth.

Mirage...what a fine, fine gift. Thank you so much for this fantastically witty and visually palpabable story.

Well crafted and well-gifted. A kiss to each cheek lady.

EdenEight chapter 1 . 12/8/2016
You know I had to come read this because it's that time of year, and OH MY GOD you've really out done yourself. I know I've read this before but...coming back to it...this piece is so damn so so good. The humor! The romance! The comedy! It kills you! Love love loved it. You're amazing.

Merry Christmas m!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
Me: i will not read a EdxRoy romance story -_- i do not ship them! so i will not read one!

Little voice: oh come on, just think of it as another AU

Me: No

Little voice: its not that long...just give it a chance

Me: No

Little voice: but its by your favorite fic writer

Me: ...sigh...fine... -_- i'll read it for FIVE minutes! just to see what its about!

lol that was the convention i had with myself 2 and a half hours ago... im so glad i listened to my little voice! i enjoyed that sooo much! (i'll be starting 'Foolish For You' probably tomorrow)

please please please (starts begging like Ed on the phone) please please write another fic thats about this Ed and Roy :[ i loved them! XC

i loved the conversation between them in the car, it was so childish (but in a good adorable way) so cute X3

BTW i really want to see these two go camping!

Guest chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
So sweet it hurts your teeth :)
Linvalay chapter 1 . 11/22/2015
this was cute. Ed was acting like a damn diva and i liked it for the most part. Though sometimes i did wan to punch him. Good work!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18/2015
I loved reading this story!Poor Ed but now he has a cake for himself, I want a cake too :3
Centre chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
Wow! I'm not really a Roy/Ed fan (I prefer Parental!RoyEd), but this was just so great I think I might start shipping them again!

So cute, I wish I could have read this on Christmas instead of now, though.
Notmakingapennam chapter 1 . 11/26/2014
So here I am over here now...and let me tell can write Ed and Roy! I think my heart skipped a beat. This piece is a little treasure! Ed is f&$king HILarious.
EasyArsenic chapter 1 . 11/19/2014
So many feels! This was such a warm, comfortable read. I'm definitely reading it again on Christmas Eve. I like to save a bunch of nice holiday fics to enjoy on their respective holidays and this fits the bill perfectly. Characterization is on point, the interactions were hilarious and realistic, and this really just felt very believable. Great job. )
Lana chapter 1 . 10/28/2014
Noooo why didn't I wait for Christmas? It was so cute! Could have been a great gift.

I have no self control.
batsbloodsoup chapter 1 . 6/29/2014
Ok, this story took up most of my night. Am I mad about that? No. Wanna know why? This was the greatest story that I've read of Ed/Mustang in a while! :D I loved it so much! Amazing work!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/17/2014
Great Roy and Ed! You did a wonderous job with both of them and the Hughes house had me rolling! I think a sequel is in order.
JazmineElric chapter 1 . 4/20/2014
I normally don't like yaoi but this was awesome XD
FoxiestMamaECVR chapter 1 . 3/6/2014

Are you writing a continuation with Easter? PLZ CAN YOU! OMG! THIS WAS THE BEST!
MemoriesOfVoxei chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
WHAT!? I NEVER LEFT A REVIEW!? OMG I'M SUCH A BAD READER! You know I read that a while ago right? Even before reading Foolish For You and before The Silent Heart and even before Another Run of Events! I didn't even know you were the one who wrote this fic until I browsed your profile after reading Another Run of Events... seriously, all of your fics I've read are incredible! I don't know if I reviewed your other FMA one-shots, but if I didn't, then I want to tell you that they were hilarious! XD It's really fun reading, and even this one is a mix of fun and hurt!Ed. And you KNOW I CAN'T FIGHT AGAINST HURT!ED, NEVER!

YOU KNOW WHO I AM! So no signature this time ;) Deal with it! x3
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