Reviews for Shiver Me Timbers
AZsgirl chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
Loved it!
funkyshaz57 chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
Ignore the haters, especially those who are too cowardly to sign in. The fact that this site still has immature trolls with nothing better to do than sit in their basement and abuse others for fun just goes to show how incredibly mental people can be.

You are an excellent writer, Do not let other's bully you off this site especially when the trolls are most likely one person who is doing it for kicks and can't sign in herself.

This was nice and simple and well done. Nothing wrong with it at all! And Im still waiting on a sequel to the incredibly amazing and awesome Where the lines over-lap which IMO is one of THE best FF's I have read

Ignore the haters, letting them get to you just let's them win and again when I say them I mean one sick and manipulative individual that likes to target authors that clearly threaten their own work

You are great!

Oh and PS sorry i didn't sign in Lol, but you know it's me, I'm just being super lazy because it's 2 am
yogibears chapter 1 . 12/27/2012
Lovely read for Christmas! Thanks for sharing!
inarush17 chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
Loved this...especially the pirate theme. Great to read a story where Arizona has balanced her injury with humour but still gets disappointed when she doesn't get what she wants. Hope you continue this!

P.S. Please ignore the coward signed in as Guest who hasn't the balls (or vagina) to sign in under a legitimate name and offer constructive criticism/praise. This troll has as the same legitimacy in speaking about writing or story telling as the head of the NRA when discussing solutions for gun violence.
brittsany chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
Really good story... Loved it .. Please go on. :)
Gemzo14 chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
Ignore that last, rude "review" This was brilliant, I know it was a Secret Santa one-shot but it's wide open for more if you felt the need!
calzonafan123 chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
Really nice.
xenaville chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
Please tell me this isn't only a one chapter story. It's starting out really good. Loved the pirate theme in it. Hopefully you'll put another couple of chapters in. I really enjoy your stories !
calzonastories chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
you nailed it dude :D i love it!