Reviews for Stranger in a strange land
JlovesGaara chapter 20 . 1/21
Oh my gosh this chapter rocked. Love me some Kurt and Santana bonding.
JlovesGaara chapter 56 . 12/15/2018
Wow, what an amazing fic. There are far too few complete fics with this crossover, and I'm so happy I got to read yours. Well done
Guest chapter 56 . 2/26/2018
This was fantastic I really enjoyed reading it
leylinjan chapter 10 . 1/8/2017
uhm... how about calling them servants instead of slaves? Slavery is illegal...
bridgetlynn chapter 4 . 5/3/2015
The really sad part about this? I could actually see Hermione reacting exactly like this - canonically (especially after Rowling did such a 'brilliant' character assassination and/or lobotomy on her in Book 6).
I adore her character for the most part but she does very much have that part of her personality that is, "I am right. You are wrong. It's easier if you just accept what I say as truth." Combine that with what is obviously an upper-middle-class British upbringing and you could easily get Hermione's reaction here.
...a friend of mine from college was from Oxford. Her father was a top-tier lawyer and her mother a surgeon. Her brother tells their parents he's gay. Their literal reaction? (and I didn't believe her at first. I was convinced she was joking) "Oh you won't be picky about looks when we find you a girl of nice worth (ie: $$$) to settle down with." He can be gay all he wants...but he still has 'responsibilities' to fulfill. *eye roll* I could easily see this as being Hermione's upbringing.
musme chapter 56 . 1/10/2015
I like it
StrainAsylum chapter 56 . 6/22/2014 they're both successful and happy ...and still together. What about Harry, Kurt and Teddy? Very nice.
StrainAsylum chapter 54 . 6/22/2014
Congrats on the internship, though it was long ago.
StrainAsylum chapter 53 . 6/22/2014
Oh, crap..
StrainAsylum chapter 52 . 6/22/2014
StrainAsylum chapter 51 . 6/22/2014
Nicely done.
StrainAsylum chapter 50 . 6/22/2014
Nicely done...Wish Harry had been somewhat impressed by Kurt and Rachel's wonderfully touching "For Good", but /shrug
StrainAsylum chapter 49 . 6/22/2014
I like it a lot, but I was so very proud of Kurt's courage to stand up, get the crown and make a joke. Any fence-sitters (uncertain about Kurt as a person, who might've just gone with the flow) would very likely have been impressed. I would have (and was).
StrainAsylum chapter 48 . 6/22/2014
LOVE it. Very nice rearrangement of events and love Karry
StrainAsylum chapter 47 . 6/22/2014
Excellent ;) Thank you so very much!
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