Reviews for Toy of the Great Eagle
Guest chapter 5 . 4/17
If you ask me both Fallon and Marachute are despicable. While, Fallon is the lesser of the two evils, it's still awful either of them would put their "friend" through so much torture. Completely unforgivable. I hope Cody can escape those two before its too late. It's scary how tired he is every day.
Kirjakissa91 chapter 5 . 5/13/2017
Really good, cute, and pretty long.
Nicholas chapter 2 . 11/15/2013
please do continue i want to read of faloo having fun with cody man i wish there was a comic of this i'd enjoy the tickle torture and seeing cody being stuffed into faloo's pouch.
deLattre chapter 2 . 8/21/2013
Well, this is proving to be interesting. I wonder how Cody will react when he finds out that Faloo wants to tickle him too. Also, all this passing out can't be healthy. I suspect that it will take its toll on Cody's body if it keeps happening. My only issue with the chapter is that it felt rushed at times. But overall, good work.
I'm surprised more people haven't reviewed this story. Then again, Rescuers isn't exactly a very popular fandom.
deLattre chapter 1 . 6/20/2013
It’s nice to read an alternate take on the flight scene, even if it was seriously creepy (then again, that was probably the point). I guess Marahute isn't one for gratitude in this story!
Bouken Dutch 2.0 chapter 1 . 2/6/2013
We all know what would have happened to Cody had Marahute not kept him with her all day, so I guess this would have been preferable. Still, that was pretty mean of Marahute to torment the one that saved her.