Reviews for Finding A Way Just To Save You
Mayshea chapter 3 . 8/15/2017
I love so much this fic i hope a next chapter will come soon (HiroKaze my passion) this is the best fic i already read
Mm chapter 3 . 7/22/2016
Hey so can i add more to it and what do you think his ( kazemaru) dark side look like ?
Wendymexia101 chapter 3 . 1/20/2013
I loved it! Please update soon.
MasterofYou chapter 2 . 12/29/2012
MasterofYou here! um, if you don't have any ideas for this story i have it is:

so you know how little Kazemaru got sick and fell asleep. um, you could make it. when he wakes up it's actually 14 year old Kazemaru in 3 year old Kazemaru. but 14 year old Kazemaru doesn't know what's happening. he remembers everything he just doesn't know he's in a 3 year old body...

it's up to you. but you don't have to write it if you already have an idea
Ashery24 chapter 2 . 12/25/2012
OMG New chapter. Yeah i love you (ok not). I love your fics. They are so cute */*. And Kaze is so cute too. When he call Hiroto Mi-chan is so cute TuT. I love HiroKaze 3. I read you so you have a new chapter early, please.
PD: Sorry for mi bad english is because i am Spanish ToT
MasterofYou chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
I forgot to tell you something. I LOVE your stories so much that I actually copy and paste them onto my notes. That way I can read without Internet or wifi. If you update between 26 of December to 31 of December I might not R&R. Because I'll be on a road trip...