Reviews for Simple as That
scifiknitwit chapter 1 . 2/11/2013
That was a really great story.
Suilven chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
Aw, I loved this! Thank you! You didn't need to be nervous about this at all! I love how much Garrus cares for her, and you know that he'll be there for her, no matter what. Everything was wonderful, but I especially loved the last bit (and I have to put the whole of it here because I can't bring myself to take out even a single line):

"As she spoke and told him about Thessia and Kai Leng, he never interrupted. He didn't press her when a pause went on for too long, and didn't force her to meet his eyes when she insisted in dropping her gaze to her lap.

After she was done talking, he quietly guided her to the shower, turning on the water on the coldest setting – the way she preferred it, because it made her feel alive. For a second she thought he might leave her alone in there and she wondered if she would be able to keep on standing without his support. She didn't have to find out though; he undressed and joined her.

Under the running water, he let her lean on his chest and held her until the tears were gone from her eyes. Eventually, he turned off the water, but she wasn't ready to leave his embrace just yet, so he stayed there with her.

Nothing was so reassuring like his even breathing. Nothing, not even the cold water, was as invigorating as feeling and listening to the steady beat of his heart. This time, when he lifted her chin and looked into her eyes, she felt strong enough to meet his gaze. What she found was absolute trust. There wasn't even a flicker of doubt or disappointment in his eyes.

Nothing had changed between them. He didn't think her a failure.

"Don't worry about it, Shepard. When the whole crew is gathered for debriefing, we will come up with something. We always do," he spoke softly, lowering his forehead to rest against hers.

It may sound like a platitude, but it was not. They really always did come up with something. For a moment there, she might have lost faith, but he never had. He still believed in them, in her.

It was enough for her. When the time came, she put on her uniform and, with Garrus by her side, she went down to meet the crew for debriefing. She was sure they would find a way and that she would be the fierce and confident commander they needed her to be.

Since this mess with reapers had started, back in 2183, Shepard had learned the hard way that she could still succeed even without Kaidan, Wrex, Tali, Liara, Anderson… But Garrus, he had always been there for her. She had never been forced to find out if she could keep going without him. And she wouldn't have to.

The truth was that there really was no Shepard without Vakarian. There had never been and there never would be."

I love this. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. :)