Reviews for Broken Cords
jaw dropper chapter 31 . 4/8/2017
HiddenMckeyMouse chapter 31 . 7/5/2016
Happy late Fourth of July! If you live in the United States. And if you don't... Well then this is just awkward. Well it has been 2 years since you last updated and that's a long time. Long enough time that I might as well not be writing this review as you will most likely not read it. But if you do there are a few things I need to say: You are so awesome! This story is so good! No wonder it got over 800 reviews. I wish I had been able to be one of those 800 reviewers while you were writing this story but I'm not. I found this story like two days ago and I just read the whole thing. So when you apologized for the long wait to update I was just scrolling through because I didn't have to wait for anything. And when you apologized for cliffhangers I was just like "And next chapter." Because I didn't have to wait for anything. When I read the last chapter though... I was reading chapter 30 and I was thinking "Wait, is this teen dude at McDonald's trying to kill Jack or Kim? Oh it's Jack right because he said 'Skull Ripper's kid'. And that's Jack right? Right. And what's with this fire? And why is Kim being so oblivious. THERE IS A FREAKING FIRE BEHIND HER AND SHE DOESN'T NOTICE! And why isn't Jack back yet (that kind of reminds me of the episode Karate Games where Jack is all like "Yak is back" ah memories. Back to what I was saying)" and after all of that I keep reading chapter 30 and my thoughts are thinking only one thing "ARE THEY DEAD?!" That would have been a horrible ending to the story! But than I remembered that there was an epilogue. So when I click 'next chapter' and I was waiting for the page to load I was thinking this "What if Kim survives but Jack dies and the epilogue is about how she gets over it and moves on? That can't happen. It can't... It can't. IT CAN'T!" And then it didn't and I was like "Phew! They didn't die. They got married. And now they are going to have a kid. Okay this is good. No one is dead. Take a deeeeeeep breath." But then I was like "NOOOOOOO! It's over! The story is over! Wah! Sob sob! Oh well better go read another story she wrote. But first I need to write a review, even though it's been 2 years" and I did exactly that! And now you will either read this and think I am psycho or you will read this and laugh or you will read this and think that's it's too late to review and that this was a waste of your time or you WON'T read this and all my typing will go to waste. I hope the second one happens. That was just a big bowl of word salad! Ha ha. Kim said that in the episode Ricky Weaver when Jack called him a San Francisco burger buying hot tubbing doll haired monster or something like that. But if you don't remember it's probably because the show is over! *sobs in the background wipes nose and keeps talking* Okay I'm good now. Never stop writing because you and writing go together like peanut butter and jelly. Or like Kim and Jack. I couldn't help myself. I think I'm obsessed. Oh wait I am. But back to you and your amazing writing. You are so good at writing I think you could be an author. I wouldn't be surprised if one day I walk into Barnes and Nobles and just see a book called Broken Cords just sitting on the Best Sellers shelf. I can picture the cover now... There would be a picture of the skull necklace with a black background and there is blood surrounding it and under that there are the words Broken Cords in white letters. Can't you picture that? Or is it just me? But moving on. You are the best and your writing makes me feel happy and sad and so angry that I break my pencil when I'm trying to write something all at the same time. But yeah. Thanks for being awesome. This story will live on forever just like Kick even though the show is over *holds back sobs* but yeah I'm just going to leave now. You rock! I'm now posting this review. Bye. Wait I'm going to go check for any grammatical errors... Okay I'm back and we're all good. Now I'm leaving. And go Kick. Because I ship it way too much.
Hello chapter 14 . 6/12/2016
Hey just wanted to let you know I am loving this story! If you don't mind, I was wondering what ever happened to "People Never Forget"? It was one of my favorites and I can't find it anywhere :(
adotdev chapter 31 . 12/13/2015
So last chapter I hated you, you know with the whole thought that Jack had died, but now I love you- because Happy Ending!
Guest chapter 31 . 8/23/2015
I don't know if you'll read this it take it into account but a few points of note:
1 the girl thing doesn't really work with Jack and Kim and if you were going to incorporate it then you should have done it less and in the correct context
2 the bashing thing seemed forced from her dad being this great guy you might have done his pov to try and make it clearer why his mind was messed up
3 I feel like Kim was such a strong independent girl who wouldn't take that she would have taken legal action or fought back like she did to Jack you abused her character but if there was a reason it should have been discussed
IMakeTheMonsters chapter 31 . 8/4/2015
the only word I have to describe this is damn. damn damn. ;D
Guest chapter 10 . 11/19/2014
Guest chapter 31 . 11/9/2014
one of the best fanfics I have ever read (and I read A LOT.) very well written, good job!
Kimjack990 chapter 28 . 9/14/2014
Omg! I luv this story so much.I've been following it for so long, and I think it's awesome.
optimistic girl94 chapter 31 . 9/5/2014
Bravo! This story was incredible. From chapter one to chapter thirty-one. I'm not a big fan of romance. Not at all but the way you wrote this story drew me in from the first chapter. The emotion was so wl conveyed and heavy throughout the story. The dialogue wasn't cheap but real and well planned. Your plot was astounding, twists and turns arou d ever corner. You made he unexpected happen with every chance and it didnt cause the story to be disorganized.

The story was lovely and beautiful! All the character interactions were meaningful. Nothing in the story went to waste. Everything scene propelled the story forward which can be difficult to do. You truly are one of my fave authors with Kickin it. And I only hope you continue to write for it because you are so good! Talent like yours is hard to come by. And I'm so glad I first read mentally jaded because it led me to this story as well and night light!

Thank you thank you thank you for writing this intense dramatic heart felt story. I'm glad there was a happy ending sort of except for that Seaford burning. Seaford burning so intense. Your ability to take any character and put them in a new universe is amazing. This story only inspires me to do better with writing! Night light and mentally jaded leaves the same feeling! All the reviews you have for this congrats! This story will continue to climb in the charts because it is great. I know you wish to edit but I think it is wonderful now. Great job! Encore. Well done! I loved it.
optimistic girl94 chapter 30 . 9/5/2014
Oh my gosh! While I was reading this I kept thinking bad things would happen. First I thought Rick and Jerry would do something stupid. Then the fire happened! Oh my gosh. Okay one more chapter left! Nicely done with the suspense.
optimistic girl94 chapter 29 . 9/5/2014
Gosh that Brody Kid never gives up. This was an action packed story. I fe bad for Finn though. The grief changed him so drastically. It was sad to see how much he changed. Nicely written I was hanging on the edge when he caught Kim.
optimistic girl94 chapter 28 . 9/5/2014
Oh my gosh! Rudy was attacked! No wonder he is paranoid. Anyway, this was a nicely written and well detailed story! Ah, I'm reaching the end. This had been so intense. Great job! Ah! Jack shouldn't have gone back. As soon as you said the house was empty I knew it wasn't. Hope Jack is okay.
optimistic girl94 chapter 27 . 9/3/2014
It was a very sweet chapter. The dialogue was nicely worded. The interactions were lovely and the emotions were so real. Bravo!
optimistic girl94 chapter 26 . 9/3/2014
Who was it? What twist? I must find out. I can't wait to read the next chapter. Well done with the cliffhanger.
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