Reviews for The Adversary's Daughter
gladeyemoody chapter 17 . 10/2/2016
Nice story
Antha1 chapter 11 . 1/6/2016
Did you give Merida's sister her name just so you could use the phrase, "Come on Ilene" in your story?
Antha1 chapter 6 . 1/6/2016
The Hundred Years War was England against France.
Isolde Auckley chapter 17 . 11/2/2013
Wonderful ending! I was impressed that no information was revealed regarding the brown English horse; with so many things explained at length, it was a pleasant break, adding to the suspense in a place it really needed it. Ilene's concluding thoughts were good as well. The very ending was so hillarious! Even the crow's glib tongue! I did think though, that with the painstaking historical accuracy Darth Vader and Indiana Jones are slightly out of place. Here are my thoughts on the book: the mixture of history, sadness, emotion, silliness, right and wrong, etc was grand! Always something contrasting closer than the next chapter. The basic plot of two headstrong, independent princesses trying to find out who they are and what they want in life is very appealing, at least to me. The inclusion of things such as the dreams, horses, bows and swords, the wars, the adventure/danger of the times gave a realistic and visual quality to the story. I really loved this story; feel like I know all the main characters personally. Awesome job. I'll be looking for the sequel!
Isolde Auckley chapter 16 . 11/2/2013
The first question that comes to mind is, "wait, wait! Didn't Lord Edward say he did not know who Tonya or her parents were?" The revealing of the anwer to this question and the reasoning behind it is masterfully done. Great description too, on the death of Yarik and the childhood of Ilene. The understanding of Fergus and Elinor increases as well to their credit.
Isolde Auckley chapter 15 . 10/30/2013
Dreadfully exciting all the way through! I love the revelation of the unexplained, the happening of the unexpected, and yay for the swordfighting princess! The suspense and action was very good in this one, which I think is the best way to go with this kind of a story. Kalinsky's information was also excellent because it tied in with the past and explained it, yet did not repeat it. I wonder if I could even write like this.
Isolde Auckley chapter 14 . 10/30/2013
I think the conversation between Elizabeth and the princesses is brilliant, and the long, complicated paragraph well handled! The story and confession add a lot to the story, but perhaps there is a little much redundancy from past chapters. I'm thinking mostly of Ilene and Merida's last conversation, and the afterword, which the questions have already all been answered beforehand. And yes, Lord Michael's sudden appearance was amazing!
Isolde Auckley chapter 13 . 10/26/2013
All suspicions were duly confirmed, yet whether or not they will remain that way is yet undecided. Very exciting! The case looks bad for Lord Michael, and even Lord Edward cannot avoid suspicious conjecture. Masterful job of revealing the dream, by the way.
Isolde Auckley chapter 12 . 10/26/2013
I have my theories about this shadowy character. We'll see if they are correct! What a great chapter! The thoughts of the pursuer were done very nicely. It was also a great touch contrasting the ironic humour of the woman in the veil with the horror of Ilene's encounter. The chapter as a whole showing much skill and forethought.
Isolde Auckley chapter 11 . 10/26/2013
More suspicion, more revelation, more questions! Chapters don't necessarily have to be fast-paced to be interesting. I much enjoyed the spectacular horses and grounds, and that was witty to have collie and shire in the story. In the story of Lords Michael and Edward hunting, I would say that he had his arrow 'nocked', the archery term for "in place." It would also be much more likely to kill a deer by injuring the neck, (vertebrae or one of the major veins or arteries) or by piercing the heart/lung area, which is the modern-day practice, as well as the most logical place for shooting a trophy for a mount (lest they damage the head). I killed a deer with an arrow last year, so that is how I came by all this interesting stuff :)
Isolde Auckley chapter 10 . 10/26/2013
This chapter is full of reactions! I eagerly await the explanation of the unexplained ones, such as the uncomfortable feeling of Elizabeth. I can see that despite the apparent slowness of this chapter that some few hints are setting the stage for future action. The feeling at the end is a very good representation of nearly forced politeness, uncertainty, and discomfort, for all parties if I read aright. Exactly the way I would expect it to be!
Isolde Auckley chapter 9 . 10/24/2013
What a hilarious chapter! The dialogue was so awfully interesting, such as Ilene's plea to the guards at the border. The whole was assuredly well thought out, creative, and an excellent piece of writing. Poor Peter, though. Giggles here! Excitedly anticipating more!
Isolde Auckley chapter 8 . 10/24/2013
Action packed the whole way through, and historically accurate to boot! I can't help feeling that I am right there with them, standing on the bank, watching these happenings unfold. I would avoid measuring temperature in degrees, though. It comes off awkward to me. I like the unpredictability of the plot at this point, particularly the entry of Peter.
Isolde Auckley chapter 7 . 10/23/2013
Edge-of-my-seat excitement! I see a lot of powerful visuals in the dimness of the barely illumined night. Absolutely fantastic portrayal of Ilene's sadness and determination, and Merida's sisterly love. Did you write that poem yourself? It fits right into the story, lending something to it that only poetry can. I will be eagerly awaiting the next adventure!
Isolde Auckley chapter 6 . 10/23/2013
What a sad, yet exciting chapter! I find the last part, when Merida goes into Ilene's room to be very exceptional. It is very plausible, as well as giving the reader a glimpse right into the heart of Ilene. The revelation that Ilene really was envious of Merida all along, though she did not know it is also a very good addition to the story.
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