Reviews for In the heart of the Realm
lacklizter chapter 4 . 10/26/2014
oh my god that ending.. Please write more I beg you!
Marik chapter 4 . 7/13/2014
Ah, Ryou, the prefect lover
ryou chapter 1 . 4/18/2013
blackywinks66 chapter 4 . 2/10/2013
Sooo cute and evil,I fell like crying,I love twisted love stories
sitabethel chapter 4 . 1/14/2013
Tsk-tsk, shouldn't have eaten those pomegranate seeds, now you're stuck in Hades, er, I mean, The Shadow Realm.

I like how your Ryou character isn't weak. Interested in seeing how this story turns out.
albino-yaoi chapter 4 . 1/10/2013
Holy shit.

It's freakishly hard to find good deathshipping fics. And I think I just found one of the best.

This fic is beyond amazing. It's so descriptive and vivid, hot and exciting. It's perfect.
Lazy Gaga chapter 4 . 1/7/2013
Hee hee, don't think it can get any more creepily sketchy than this! Thanks for the update! :D
laura393 chapter 4 . 1/7/2013
So good
Little.Broken.Wings chapter 4 . 1/7/2013
wow, I must say I'm thoroughly impressed! Yet again your descriptive abilities are mind blowing and this time the pacing was absolutely phenomenal. The fact that you uphold the same atmosphere throughout, even during the smut, and never loose sight of the plot and never allow the reader to forget that there is indeed a plot well... it's all really fantastic! I'm looking forward to the next installment.
Not In Use. Dead. Delete chapter 4 . 1/6/2013
Poor Ryou. I'm going to guess he will still attempt to find a way out and Marik isn't going to let him. I can't wait to find out what happens next. :3
xXAnachronIsmEpsIceXx chapter 4 . 1/6/2013
Wait a moment, he didn't do what I think he did...did he? Ahrgh, Marik you're such a bastard! All Ryou wanted to do was go HOME, not get trapped in the Shadow Realm with the likes of YOU! *angry flailing*

Well, I suppose it can't be helped now. I can't help but wonder how Ryou's going to take this change of events. It should be interesting. *smirk*

I think my favourite remark throughout this entire story so far has to be Ryou's 'You're imitating Batman' remark...either that, or Marik's 'secret back thing'. Amusing, so amusing. Can't wait for the next chapter dear!
Lazy Gaga chapter 3 . 12/29/2012
This can get REALLY freaky at times (in both sense of the words ;D)!Thanks for the twisted update!
Not In Use. Dead. Delete chapter 3 . 12/29/2012
This story seems really interesting. At first I thought it would be one of those stories where Ryou gets locked up and abused but this is different in a good way. I like how you portray Marik as being a bit calmer yet still slightly insane. The scene before the bed collapsed was very fluffyish, I'm not sure if you wanted that reaction but thats what I felt. I can't wait to find out what happens to Ryou, keep up the good work. :3
xXAnachronIsmEpsIceXx chapter 2 . 12/29/2012
[I have no idea if this posted for the chapter I originaly wrote it for, so I'm reposting for chapter 3 on chapter 2's review thinger. Don't mind me, my internet connection's being buggy and I can't seem to find my review. ;]

Well THAT was unexpected. Not the fact that it happened, but that it wasn't Mariku's doing. o.o Now dear, now you have caught my interest. I don't know who to root for though, honestly. Well, that's not entirely true; I know that Ryou isn't, persay, with either options, but I kind of want Mariku to get Ryou back, partially because I ship them whether both parties consent or not, and partially because it seems like Mariku's been working on this experiment of sorts for awhile now; gotta let the villain win sometime. It also depends on who's pulling Ryou deeper into the Shadow Realm, or if it's just the Realm being troublesome. For all we know, it could be Mr. Popo yanking him through the pit in an attempt to turn this story into a crossover. We shall see though, we shall see. I shall follow this story so intensely that...that...I don't know, I'm just following your story now. Take it how you will. *smirk*

Oh, and I enjoy how you portray both of the characters. It makes me smile. Take that how you will as well.

Ah, but my only qualm, as it may have been pointed out before...there are some parts that seem a bit too rushed in description. Like what's-his-face was saying, don't be afraid of describing; bookworms like me thrive on that kind of stuff. If the kelp is trailing gently across Ryou's wounds, then I want to be able to feel theclashing between the two feelings, the aching of his ribs, and the soothing, gentle caresses of the kelp. If he realises that he sounds like he's underwater, explain why. Was his cry muffled, or did it echo? Describing things like that not only makes for a pretty decent word count when needed, but it also helps the reader feel immersed. Imagery is an author's cabinet of spices; you can't have a thoroughly enjoyable soup without the accents and flavours.

xXAnachronIsmEpsIceXx chapter 3 . 12/29/2012
Well THAT was unexpected. Not the fact that it happened, but that it wasn't Mariku's doing. o.o Now dear, now you have caught my interest. I don't know who to root for though, honestly. Well, that's not entirely true; I know that Ryou isn't, persay, with either options, but I kind of want Mariku to get Ryou back, partially because I ship them whether both parties consent or not, and partially because it seems like Mariku's been working on this experiment of sorts for awhile now; gotta let the villain win sometime. It also depends on who's pulling Ryou deeper into the Shadow Realm, or if it's just the Realm being troublesome. For all we know, it could be Mr. Popo yanking him through the pit in an attempt to turn this story into a crossover. We shall see though, we shall see. I shall follow this story so intensely that...that...I don't know, I'm just following your story now. Take it how you will. *smirk*

Oh, and I enjoy how you portray both of the characters. It makes me smile. Take that how you will as well.

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