Reviews for Scarred
Gwenyth Taylor Plunkett chapter 70 . 7/6/2019
I think you're doing great with writing this story. You should be proud of yourself :)
PinkFurball2552 chapter 70 . 6/23/2019
Ok Nina I see u boo
Raiyah 27516 chapter 70 . 1/7/2019
I really like your story. Even if I am not a victim of abuse I could truly emphatize with Nina because your writting made the characters feel real.
I hope you continue this outtakes in the future, it's good to know what happened after the Epiloge.
Lucas chapter 70 . 10/29/2018
Ive read this story twice now and even thoug its finished and old and you probaly aint gonna read this iwill review this story.
The plot is great with a rollercoaster like flow too it yet setting a slow but steady upward line in story as well as romance.
The details are incredible and the character build is fantastic
Critique ofcourse a story is never completly flawless but this is much persenol tasts
1 i dont like mark and his subplot of abuse i think it defies the ods a bit and removes a bit of his vibe as a not so nice guy but nothing major
2 nina's speaking could have stayed at the scream and a rare sentence when absolutly nescesery i felt that the mutism gave this story its unique flow however the speaking did not make the story les good just changed a nice dynamic in something else
3 im not native so comments on grammar are beyond me (no obvious errors that made it hard to read) but there where some small spelling errors
Summary 9,7 out of 10 would read it again and again
angelcreature13 chapter 70 . 8/18/2018
Aww, poor Fabian. I can't imagine how hard that must be for him. I can only hope Nina's condition gets better with time; that SOB can rot in hell for what he did to Nina. Another well written outtake nonetheless :)
Guest chapter 36 . 8/4/2018
Please could you put your Instagram user name in your next update (if you have it). There are some things I want to talk with you about
iusedtowritehere chapter 70 . 5/30/2018
I'm glad it wasn't positive. Not in a mean way towards Nina but it's reality. Like you said, there are permanent consequences and acting like there aren't makes survivors feel guilty for still feeling things 10, 20, 30 years down the line.
hgfanaticeverlark chapter 70 . 5/28/2018
Love this story
Brookie Twiling chapter 63 . 5/22/2018
Also, the fact that you were 13 when you started writing this is amazing. When I was 13, my writing was shit (Still kinda is). You truly have a way with words and have made a beautifully tragic story. Thanks for writing/sharing!
Brookie Twiling chapter 62 . 5/22/2018
Oh I hope he rots in jail, and then I KNOW he'll rot in hell. I doubt she takes to kindly to his sort, child-abusing scum!

On a plus-ish note, great story. The character, story and plot developments were very real and shown. Nina not just doing a one-eighty, but slowly gaining her voice and confidence, standing up for herself and fighting, that was so realistic and you really made me feel for Nina... also made me feel for Nina; isn't funny how no one spoke up or helped her (in America) till it was too late? Seems to always be the case.

Brilliant story, Eddie is AWESOME! Even if I'm a total Paddie shipper. Oh, and I totally called them adopting her.
Cruella De Bianne125 chapter 70 . 4/23/2018
THIS IS SO FREAKING AMAZING! my FAVE so far! continue it and i still wanna know what happened when fabian proposed or their wedding though. IMAGINE THE FLUFF! 3 3 3 3
Dark Mage Zeru chapter 70 . 4/17/2018
your commitment to this story never ceases to amaze me. every time i see an email with this story updated, im vaguely reminded of my younger years when i would get so excited to read an update. this story has fond and bittersweet memories with me and i will continue to carry them even after scarred is finished. thank you for dedicating your time and effort into this story and that you have brought us along with you for this ride. the chapter was great as always., and though i havent watched hoa in years, the characterisation that you describe trickles in memories of it. thank you again and see you next time. :)
DauntlessDuckling chapter 70 . 4/17/2018
To be honest getting the email notification saying this had been updated was a surprise, but a good one.
Just want to let you know that I still love this story even though I haven't thought about it in a long time, And these extra little stories just make my week. The characters and the plot are just so amazing.
I might even read this story again now I've been reminded of it.
Dramiome.ALWAYS chapter 1 . 1/2/2018
Believe me you definitely deserve an award for this. I have so much to say but really can't get my emotions into words. Just know that you are brilliant. Love your work. Please continue to write.
Guest chapter 69 . 12/23/2017
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