Reviews for love at first sight
Callie chapter 16 . 9/7
Wait if two years has passed why isn’t Sakura 20? Wasn’t she 17 turning 18 in the beginning?
Diana chapter 16 . 9/7
Oooh Sakura is wild I wanna see more of this side of her
Guest chapter 16 . 9/3
Holy shittttttttt that took me by surprise I need sakuras pov in the next chapter please I need to know what our girl is really thinking and how she feels
Un-Z-Un chapter 16 . 8/28
My jaw is dropping. Loved this series and didn’t realize you were going to serve us something beautiful and spicyyyyyy thank you thank you thank youuuu
Guest chapter 16 . 8/19
Guest chapter 16 . 8/18
i love this so much
NinjaRoja chapter 16 . 8/17
I like how you wrote Sasuke with a conscience and he understands that Sakura, too, deserves to live out her college years without dating an older man who could influence her decisions.
NinjaRoja chapter 8 . 8/17
"completing himself with others when he can't do so on his own" I LOVE the way you write. Your words give my brain something to munch on and I can't describe enough how intelligent it is you write Sasuke's inner thoughts. It gives me much to think about when reading. You have a beautiful way of showing readers how a character is versus "telling".
Hitomi Star chapter 16 . 8/16
sweetautumn18 chapter 16 . 8/16
omg i just found this story and i cnt believe this started 8 yrs ago. thank u so much for your patience and dedication. i really love how this is told from sasuke's pov. i can feel the turmoil of emotions he had, the sadness, the confusion and the struggles of his character. i wanna tell how great youve set the tone of this movie. while i was reading, the scenes are playing out like a movie in mind and very few writers can do that. this reminds me of Hollywood movies closer, gosh, im so in love with the story and sasuke's char here.
Guest chapter 16 . 8/16
don't you dare screw it up this time sasuke, don't you dare!
NinjaRoja chapter 4 . 8/16
omg Naruto was ready to lecture him! (as he should). but way to up the intensity! I like the drama and I look forward to see how this story plays out.
NinjaRoja chapter 3 . 8/16
I like how Sasuke recognized his male privilege and not needing to worry about walking to the subway at night lol great insight to add in!
NinjaRoja chapter 2 . 8/16
"sometimes he has a tea, but always, he is alone" WOW. The imagery speaks to me. I love how you're showing us Sasuke's lonely character through the description of his apartment and inner musings. Also, Sakura is such a joy and I love how you've accurately portrayed the light she brings to others 3 I look forward to reading what her own troubles are.
Uchiha-leeh chapter 16 . 8/15
omggg! I was craving for this update, thanks! love it
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