Reviews for Sal's Hat
Amanthya chapter 4 . 2/21
Well, Slytherin's "hat" is far more accurate in gauging students' core characteristics and potential than Gryffindor's, that's for sure. Too bad there's not more to this, but it was surprisingly good for what could've been a throw-away crack!fic. Well done.
Itachi008 chapter 4 . 10/4/2017
:D :D :D :D Yes.
Itachi008 chapter 3 . 10/4/2017
Absolutely fitting! I always thought Hermione is far more of a Slytherin in Gryffindor robes than Harry. :D
Itachi008 chapter 2 . 10/4/2017
Much better Sorting for Harry than Rowling's "Slytherins are all evil" version!
LucyLuna chapter 4 . 8/7/2017
Oh, this one was interesting. I've never read a story about Gregory's sorting – even an AU one. I like how he keeps insisting to the hat he needs to be with Draco because he's important and what his father did in the past has no bearing on why HE wants to be in Slytherin. Of course, he's wrong, but he probably won't see that for a while. The little hinting there about Draco potentially being a Ravenclaw was also interesting and I kind of hope in this 'verse that's exactly what happens. It'd be interesting to see how things work with Draco being a trouble-making Ravenclaw rather than a trouble-making Slytherin.
LucyLuna chapter 3 . 8/7/2017
I liked that bit about Hermione and the girl from her chemistry class. The hat's noting of the vindictiveness of her actions and the way Hermione (weakly) tries to validate her decision and how it was only going to be a matter of time anyway was cool. I also like how her diatribe about how she's going to prove to the stuck-up girls she ran into on the train that she definitely belongs at Hogwarts was what caused the Sorting Hat to choose Slytherin for her.
LucyLuna chapter 2 . 8/7/2017
Still a Gryffindor in the end, huh? I liked how you got to that point, anyway. The description of the hat slipping right down to his forehead because of his hair was funny. I also liked how the hat was huffing about the whole Slytherins are all evil thing and told Harry it's really just an issue of the most recent century rather than an actual deep-rooted issue. The part about where he's laying out all of the virtues of Hufflepuff to Harry and how it'd be a great fit until the Aunt Petunia and chores issue came up was nice too. The way the hat decides with that information that Gryffindor really is the only place for Harry was a nice, if not sort of sad end to his sorting.
LucyLuna chapter 1 . 8/7/2017
"like his father had been, and his two eldest brothers, whom he idolizes." does this mean Percy didn't go to Gryffindor in this AU? Even if the twins don't care for him, to leave him out of the group when talking about how traditional it is for them to go to Gryffindor seems like it undermines just how synonymous Gryffindor and Weasley are.
Anyway, I enjoyed the first chapter quite a bit. I like how when Fred was panicking about potentially going to Slytherin one of his arguments was that their sweaters were already made.
George being tricked into agreeing to Slytherin because of visions of awesome pranks was funny too and I liked how at the end there when they meet each other's gaze and are thinking about what they have to do to work this out they immediately think of swapping ties so they can switch between the houses.
Flying Flitwicks chapter 4 . 11/28/2016
Four years ago, but I still want more updates! Oh please!
Athena's phoenix chapter 4 . 1/9/2016
Ooohhh, interesting. I'd love to read more. :)
excessivelyperky chapter 4 . 6/16/2015
Gryffindor House helps develop reckless courage, all right-but into something steadier? When did that happen? (and the few times it did, like with Percy, his whole family turned against him).

But I agree with at least one of the Large Pair going into Hufflepuff.

(think that it would be cool for Crabbe and/or Goyle to meet Dudders at a wrestling or boxing match...).
excessivelyperky chapter 3 . 6/9/2015
Ha! Hermione is going to be even more dangerous than she was already, except now that people won't be fooled by the Gryffindor is Always Good Sign. That's only fair.
excessivelyperky chapter 2 . 6/5/2015
I love the way Sal asked to be moved to get out of the interference of the Horcrux, though (and how helpful it would be if Sal could tell Snape about it...).

Love the evaluation of Tom, though.

Frankly, after Aunt Petunia, any chores Harry ended up with in Hufflepuff would be nothing, but sigh, there you go.
duj chapter 4 . 6/4/2015
Would Crabbe have told Draco off in quite those terms in DH if he was a Hufflepuff at heart? I doubt it. (But I still think him more Slyth than Gryff.)
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 5/31/2015
God help us, everyone...both Snape and McGonagall will have nervous breakdowns before the year is over (or Snape will burn a tattoo on both of them so he and everyone else can tell them apart).
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