Reviews for Les Something
Suburato Nanami chapter 1 . 7/3/2019
This is simply hilarious.
jing chapter 1 . 3/6/2019
Its like...les mis written by Terry Pratchett.
DetectiveOfTheOpera chapter 1 . 1/5/2016
This was amazing
Javert is so, oh so sassy
Valjean is also very very sassy
That's not a bad thing
It's pretty cool
The Bishop was sassier than any Bishop I've seen
Damn boy
You go
Sibella chapter 8 . 9/9/2014
This is such a fun story! I was sniggering throughout. I especially liked all of Javert and Valjean's conversations; they were all hilarious.
Original Name chapter 8 . 9/14/2013
I love this, so much.
Deep Forest Green chapter 6 . 9/10/2013
Favorite part (aside from the "barricades of suicide"):
"Of course I noticed how hot she was! I'm not blind!"
"I happen to know for a fact that she felt otherwise."
"She and Grantaire used to sing about it."
This whole exchange walks the line between funny and just sad, and personally I think that Marius wasn't as blind as Eponine thought he was. Or maybe he only pieced it all together in retrospect after she told him she loved him right before she died.
Deep Forest Green chapter 4 . 9/10/2013
Favorite part: "All you know about her is that she's beautiful and well brought-up. And you might assume well-born too, but you'd be wrong."
Deep Forest Green chapter 8 . 9/10/2013
(For Ch. 7: ..."rationally jumped into the Seine." Favorite part!)
Glad to find someone else who agrees with me about Eponine in the finale!
Deep Forest Green chapter 7 . 9/10/2013
"Bring Him Home" was pretty funny, but you left out the whole aspect that genuinely pisses me off. I mean, as long as he was praying, he could have prayed for the other boys on the barricade, too, and maybe for Eponine as well since he literally JUST SAW HER DIE in Marius' arms. But no, he has to pray for the one guy who doesn't need or deserve it.
Does it bother you as well that Marius seems to be the whole focus of the book and the musical as soon as he's introduced? Not only does he get his own solo, but there are two solos ABOUT him and how much these characters all love him (four if you count "I Saw Him Once" and Cosette's part of "In My Life".)
sittingroundthesamovar chapter 1 . 5/26/2013
Oh my god, this is hilarious! :D
Bellatrix567 chapter 6 . 5/21/2013
Ok, Marius' extreme stupidity is starting to get a bit annoying... and as much as I love Eponine, the way Enjolras was talking about her was kinda funny... anyway, great story!
Bellatrix567 chapter 5 . 5/21/2013
I love how Marius is so goddamn stupid! It's so freaking funny! And Eponine saying 'I love you' every other sentence and him never noticing it! Great story!
AnbarElectrum chapter 4 . 4/18/2013
M'sieur Marius, grow a spine. Rain won't make your vertebrae grow.
Also: totally noticed that. It's the police? Nothin'. It's JAVERT!1!11!
Le instant panic.
"Javert is HARD-CORE."
...Yes. Yes he is.
Princess Fox Fire chapter 8 . 4/5/2013
I am a diehard Les Mis fan, and your story had me in tears. It was brilliantly done, and I was laughing the entire time. I also liked the nods to the book her and there. Fantastic.
Aprun chapter 8 . 1/31/2013
Perfect end to a perfect story. Marius got redeemed, and everyone was pretty in character. Gah, those thernadiers. How much I hate then right now is a testament to your writing skills. Just last chapter, dude was grave robbing his son!

To cut it short, your parodies are the best, I love you, can't wait for your next work!
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