Reviews for Shadow of a Phoenix
Guest chapter 28 . 4/11
Please! Not the twin sibling cliche!
Guest chapter 28 . 1/27
I absolutely love this story. It's sad that Snake Eyes can't communicate with his friends. *cries into my ninja plushie*
shadowcat802 chapter 28 . 8/11/2019
So... Am loving this story. Keep going. Am so hooked and am asking... Please continue. She in this flux and am liking the way snake reacts with her. The emotions here have me hooked and Moon is enigma within a enigma, much like Snake is. Am looking forward to seeing what the connection between the three warriors is:) I'll give you cookies... Lol
Guest chapter 28 . 4/17/2019
Thank you so much for updating this!
Guest chapter 27 . 4/17/2019
Yes! much joy! It was updated!
Antiqua-hime17 chapter 28 . 4/11/2019
More please!
Hawks Lady chapter 28 . 4/10/2019
Ooh, I’m getting so excited! I feel like the little kid in class, jumping up and down with my hand raised cause I know the answer! The little girl is either Kate or her twin! This is great!
So sorry to hear you’ve had a rough start to this year. I know how that can go, I lost someone very dear to me in Feb and it opened the flood gates to stress, and grief and everything. That’s why writers like you are such a Godsend. You help take us readers out of our pain, even for just a short time. For that gift, I can wait for a long time for the next chapter. You have a good talent, even Dan Brown or Stephen King got bogged down in life’s stressful moments. Hopefully this review will help you feel better, just as your story makes ME feel better when I read it! God bless you, and do I need to say it?...oh, ok... YO JOE!
lizziecats chapter 1 . 4/4/2019
OMG! This was such a powerfully emotional chapter! My god the suspense had me clinging on to every word just wanting to find out what would happen next. I really can't express how happy I am that you've chosen to continue this story. Your an amazing writer and the way you portray all the characters and express their emotions just captivates me all the more. I look forward to seeing what will happen next. I'm curious as to how Snake Eyes and the rest of the Joes will react once Kate tells them that the little girl whom I believe is Kate as child told her that her father caused the scars on her arms. There's so much mystery surrounding Kate's past that I'm looking forward to learning more about her origins as this story continues. Thanks so much for updating, I look forward to reading the next chapter :)

I'm just reposting this review because I didn't realize I wasn't login before so when I sent this review the first time it sent it as a Guest review.
Guest chapter 28 . 4/4/2019
OMG! This was such a powerfully emotional chapter! My god the suspense had me clinging on to every word just wanting to find out what would happen next. I really can't express how happy I am that you've chosen to continue this story. Your an amazing writer and the way you portray all the characters and express their emotions just captivates me all the more. I look forward to seeing what will happen next. I'm curious as to how Snake Eyes and the rest of the Joes will react once Kate tells them that the little girl whom I believe is Kate as child told her that her father caused the scars on her arms. There's so much mystery surrounding Kate's past that I'm looking forward to learning more about her origins as this story continues. Thanks so much for updating, I look forward to reading the next chapter :)
Guest chapter 27 . 3/16/2019
I've heard of the movie, just haven't researched about it. Is going to be live-action or animated?
Also, please update!
lizziecats chapter 27 . 3/15/2019
I'm so sorry to hear that you've gone through some sort of traumatic event in your life and I really wish you the best in overcoming it. I really admire your strength of will and determination to overcome your hardships and continue writing again. As for this story I can't even begin to express how overjoyed I am to see this update. I've been hoping and praying that this story would be taken off hiatus so to see it finally happen is like a dream come true. I especially loved this chapter as it lets us learn a little bit more about Kate's past as well as mixing in a little bit of suable comfort/romance between Kate and Snake Eyes. I'm can't wait for the next update, so thank you again for bring this incredible story back into my life again.
Ghost chapter 26 . 12/28/2018
Please continue. I really like this story.
Stacy LaRose chapter 26 . 12/7/2018
This is a wonderful story, I do so hope you find time to add more chapters!
waiting ghost chapter 26 . 10/28/2018
Please continue...
lizziecats chapter 26 . 7/16/2018
I still can't express just how happy I am to see this update! So I'll say this again and again, Thank you Thank you Thank you so very much for continuing this story! This by far my absoulte favorite GI Joe story of all time. I love your writing, honestly you've got a real talent for captivating your audiences attention and leaving them in suspense wanting to keep reading more. This story has it all romance, suspense, action, mystery, drama, and even some comedy. You've done an incredible job bring all these pieces together and forming them all into this one amazing story. Serious keep up the good work cause I can truthfully say that I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter and so on until this story is complete.
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