Reviews for Broken As I See It
Assasin8 chapter 1 . 9/14/2014
Oh, Yamamoto! Honestly, I love this guy! You did a great job with showing the dimensions of their relationship! It was especially fun to read the little bit at the end where Yamamoto sort of turned the tables on Tsuna! Thanks for posting!
tsunasoraceillover chapter 1 . 2/10/2014
Oh poor tsuna
I love how u wrote this
MinaNaru4ever - 8027forever chapter 1 . 12/21/2012
This is very new! As much as people will say that Tsuna is being OOC, I certainly can see him acting like that! I mean, it's just WOW! Manipulative, evil, obsessive, sadistic, and possessive TYL!Tsuna is such a turn on! The idea is very interesting! I love it. This is definitely new. And even though the last twist is predictable, I can't help but to smirk happily when I saw Tsuna's reaction after Yamamoto said that to him. It's so fluffy! I would probably be squealing like crazy if I were a girl. Haha.

And you know, you really good at putting words in your story. I really need to learn how to do that. I mean, each words just looks like it's coming from a professional novel. It looks nicely written. Man, I'm so jelly of you. I wish I could have done it like you too. :D Maybe I just need to practice more in writing. Haha.

Anyway, this story is NOT completed yet, right? I'd like to read the continuation of it. This story is very interesting! It's like looking through a new side of Tsuna! I can't wait for the sequel! Ehh, I mean, the next chapter! 'cause this ain't over yet! Mwahahahahaha!

Keep up the fantastic works! And, I really wish to read more and more 8027 from you!

Thanatos Flame chapter 1 . 12/19/2012
how nice..
i love Tsuna! he's acting weirdly evil but the seductive side of him seems pretty nice..
lovin it..
Tenjouin Haruka chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
This is was such a wonderful read :D I'm an avid fan of 8027 and the like, and while I am not a usual audience member of a dark Tsuna, you really had me enjoying how you portrayed him. And how you managed to make him sound twisted yet adorable at the same time? My gosh, that. Was. PERFECT. And, given the circumstances, you had them wonderfully in-character. And I loved how you expressed Tsuna's idea of Yamamoto being broken and then actually revealing it's Tsuna who was broken, made a reader feel "GASP. The title." it's a great read and really appreciated the well written quality of the over all one-shot. Once I find the time, I'll be making a fanfiction account and hopefully be able to write some KHR fanfics and once I do, you'll be sure to see me alert your writing. It's awesome, thank you for writing it! :D

ilYamaTsuna7227li chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
"Girls from all over would visit to fond and awe over him." -It's 'fawned' not fond. Just a friendly correction! XD
Anyway, good job! I finally have time to review but I have exams and recognition day tomorrow cause by some miracle I got into the Dean's list(list of people who did well in academics)
I really loved this! It was different from your usual fics! Evil Tsuna was so awesome and I was squealing in happiness when Yamamoto mentioned her! Btw I'm typing without looking at the keyboard! How cool is that?
And also thanks for advertising my fics! Haha! Goodluck!
puruku chapter 1 . 12/10/2012
Oh wow, Tsuna was so dark in this fic and in the end he still was super cute to Yamamoto:)