Reviews for The Common Room Fight
Hannah Lynn McDonald chapter 1 . 3/26/2014
I loved this! I was just explaining to a friend about muscle memory and why you can still do things with amnesia, and even if their bodes had shrunk, the knowledge would still be there. Thank you so much for this story! I incredibly enjoyed it!

I just have one thing, and please don't be offended by it. At the beginning, it started out as just a bunch of kids talking; and then they suddenly have swords. I'm guessing he was probably in a fencing club (I apologize for my ignorance of terms. As much as I'd love to learn fencing, I'm not able to and so know nothing about it) but it would make the story flow better if you explained a bit of that in the beginning. No offense, please. It's just a suggestion.

Thanks again!
raneko.Otaku chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
oh yeah, go Edmund!
Ashleigh2016 chapter 1 . 1/18/2013
I loved it. It seemed so much like Edmund, and Peter too.

God Bless,
Ailis Ceana chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
Cute story:) loved how you made Edmund more confident after the "spar."
Rose and Psyche chapter 1 . 11/30/2012
I really enjoyed this. Sometimes I drop in and look around to see if something decent has been posted recently. Most the time the answer is no, but today I was delighted to find this.

I love how well Edmund handled himself and especially enjoyed his last line. You have a few problems with punctuation and grammar, but that's nitpicking. The story was great!

MCH chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
neat story as Edmund sorts out Sebastian without hurting him or himself. He really is growing up.