Reviews for Kim Possible: Fallen Heroes
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 2 . 11/6/2019
Suggestions for a sequel:
Team Possible and Co. in the past approach SeƱor Senior Sr. about the looming threat, counting on Kim and Ron's rep, as well as knowing Bonnie, to get him to listen. They need his resources and supplies to carry out the major project of safeguarding the Human race, and he is convinced.
Possible extra detail, when they realize GJ is on their tail, Senior Sr. sacrifices himself to save his family, while making it look like they die in the explosion or whatever with him.

The Han survives at her brother's orders. Things are a bit tense at times though, since the ninja are in many ways the largest, or at least the best trained, military force amongst Kim's allies, but they do have their own concerns to worry about. So not always in full agreement of the decisions which are increasingly being made by just Kim and Shego. Especially since an older Hannah Possible is the only one able to stand up to Kim and Shego-at the same time.

Drakken's plant formula which you had fail in other fics, works perfectly here, allowing for a rich harvest. Kim implements a strong vegetarian diet for the first year or so, so that their number of breeding animals can swell



Really curious though if you will do an AU where Kim *does* wake up after 5 years. Especially after re-reading how she has the ability to create functional AIs, which would really even the odds against whoever she faced.
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 1 . 10/27/2019
Suggestion for a fic:

Kim and Shego are accidentally teleported to another world, and while disoriented, Kim is attacked and badly hurt by Ron. Now for Ron, this is an understandable misunderstanding as in this world Kim has gone evil -either via permanent reverse polarizer, that skynet story, etc.- and thought he was taking down the shell of what had been his best friend. Shego however only sees her *wife* badly hurt, maybe killed, by the man she considers her best friend, and Shego goes full bore.

It becomes a furious battle of Shego tapping further into her power than ever before, versus the Monkey Kung Fu Master at the height of his own training. Their battle basically devastates the area, with news teams and cell phones recording it from afar, including massive blue spiritual monkeys fighting against basically torrents of green plasma.

However then Evil!Kim attacks, and Shego makes her escape with her wife. However during this it gets out, and indeed broadcasted, that where Shego comes from, her and Kim are the rulers of the world. Thinking they are rulers in terms of more this "Fallen Heroes," but of course everybody else thinks more in terms of conquerors.

I have a lot more if you are interested, but at the very least I hope this is inspiring :-)
Nyx Muirinn chapter 17 . 10/27/2019
I really enjoyed this and I wish that it had been continued :D would really love to see who woke up and how they progress and rebuild, especially more development of the relationship between Shego and Kim.
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 13 . 10/25/2019
Also entertaining with the whole by-play with Hiro here to Kim's appearances, and the Director's reaction to realizing that the people she needs most are those she has hacked off. Plus of course enjoyed the whole bit with Surge reacting to what Kim and Shego consider 'fun,' and the AI playing matchmaker! X-D
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 17 . 10/25/2019
A surprising story indeed! Did not seen Kim being frozen away for 500 years! Or the whole time travel bit. LOL on cranky people being abducted by Ron's ninja :-P But yes, the world can definitely start to rebuild now :-)
Dr. James Possible: Well at least Kimmie is only stuck in cryogenics and then in the future, and not out with some boys!
Ron: Drakken's with her.
James: Eh, no worries there.

Hoping there is a sequel! What do you think would have happened if Kim had indeed started waking up with the other villains after only 5 years?
creativetoo chapter 17 . 3/17/2019
Are we ever going to see a sequel to this? Awesome story but I want to know who the volunteers consisted of and how they helped to rebuild society.
GeorgeTobor chapter 17 . 6/11/2018
Have you thought of writing the story of Betty Betrayer's last days of despair and how she died?
Rune Tobor chapter 17 . 2/7/2018
This is a good time travel story.
Self consistent, you don't have to split the universe.

But I have to confess, I was hoping for Kim to warn herself.
Then she could have DEFEATED Betty the betrayer, and the aliens!

Thanks for writing and I hope you wrote a sequel.
KiwiKugai chapter 17 . 3/27/2016
This was a great tale and so deserves a sequel
drakonpie250 chapter 17 . 2/22/2016
Will Jana be alive?
Guest chapter 17 . 2/1/2016
what in the world, nearly 100 stories written by you, and not one single one of them consist of a sequel...why? sorry this has an amazing concept and im dying to know who the volunteers are, please, do a sequel, we are waiting for an amazing continuation of this story, don't let us down, I know you wont, your writing style is awesome along with a fantastic plot and believable characters.
Amateraszu chapter 17 . 10/17/2015
enjoyed this story very much
hoping more and a bit more indepth romance sequel if possible?
Orionslave chapter 17 . 9/3/2015
Such a damn cliffhanger! Can't wait to unhang it tho ;) and who of their friends and family might have survived :)
Orionslave chapter 2 . 9/3/2015
Reading a fic in progress on some of this stuff...I can only frown at political bullshit,wild speculations and hope Kim ends up with Shego... :/
Guest chapter 17 . 8/3/2015
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