Reviews for Going In Blind
Shay1996 chapter 25 . 5/22
I just read your whole story in two days. It is really good ! I really hope you did not give up. You got Takuma's character right. Your OC is wonderful. Keep going ! 3
LittleMiniMe21 chapter 25 . 1/17
OHHHH IT FINALLY HAPPENED! THEY KISSED, albeit Takuma was kinda out of it.
Miqila chapter 19 . 10/20/2019
This chapter made me wonder why she wasn't given any kind of combat training or the like... they could've at least taught her to shoot before sending her to such a place.
GreyMoon.Huntress chapter 25 . 10/16/2019
We'll I'm not entirely sure if that really counts Taura, but whatever floats your boat xD
Yay! Finally reunited! I'm so glad! I hope they have a change to really talk things through between them next chapter. Thanks for the update! :D
LovelyPeaxhBlush chapter 25 . 10/14/2019
Michio needs a time out somewhere and a good beating _...other than that can't wait for Taura and Takuma to have that much needed talk..and maybe a little more than that .

Thanks for the update!
wolfvane14744 chapter 24 . 10/14/2019
Thank you for updating
GreyMoon.Huntress chapter 24 . 10/7/2019
Oh no! Michio you stop that right now! Leave Takuma aloneeee
Also awe! I like Aido and Taura as friends~ Wish she could become genuine friends with everyone~
Also yea, Takuma, she was right all along, muahaha!
I really hope she and Takuma are soon reunited and are able to talk amongst themselves, ugh I already ship them so much it almost hurts! I really hope they get together (*wiggles eyebrows suggestively) though tbh idk how it would work, like eventually she or he would either have to be turned somehow...
For now I just want them back together lol
Also I wonder what connection Michio has to Taura and who his parents are (cuz I'm guessing he's more like a half-blood or something)?
Dun dun, can't wait~!
Guest chapter 24 . 10/6/2019
Welcome back, Yanagi17!
I hope you can update this soon, this is amazing!
Guest chapter 23 . 8/30/2019
I really hope u come back and finish it as u promised!
It's too lovely too forget and we r at a critical point so plzzz! come back!
PriorityMail477 chapter 23 . 3/2/2019
Wow I just found this story! It's really good! I hope one day you will finish it because I can't wait to read what happens. The characters are so well-rounded and thoughtful. Thanks for the 23 chapters - they were so worth staying up all night to read!
Guest chapter 23 . 5/15/2018
I'm honestly not sure if you'll update this story after 2 years but it's good. I would love for it to continue. Honestly, I hope the relationship between Tarau and Kaname improve since I ship Yume. But ha, at least now Ichijo will know Tarau hadn't been imagining things. I still ship them!
Guest chapter 15 . 5/15/2018
This chapter makes me think Taura is suicidal... She should have at least brought a weapon!
CherepMikhailov chapter 23 . 4/23/2017
I Hasbro re-read this, to remember what it is about... when will you update? who will die?
Shinki chapter 23 . 12/26/2016
Such a cliff hanger! I really didn't expect Michio to have such a big impact since being released. Blazed through this story in a day, couldn't stop reading, and damn, such a cliff hanger.
LovelyPeaxhBlush chapter 23 . 8/20/2016
Please update this is amazing! XD
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