Reviews for Oh, Paris!
Guest chapter 19 . 3/18/2017
An amazing story! Thank you!
As a tip; to make your writing better, I would advise checking over it for minor mistakes.

Overall, I really enjoyed and I'm kinda upset it's over.
jcarter692 chapter 19 . 1/30/2017
I love this! It was so sweet and beautiful, and funny! Amazing writing!
R5fangirl28 chapter 19 . 12/7/2015
Miss this story!
Lady chapter 19 . 9/12/2015
One of the best stories I have read! I had a giant smile by the end. It was extremely good and it was just great and awesome! You should do a second part of them both in MUNY, i will totally read it. The story was just awesome. Btw, my favorite song from R5 is here comes forever! I listen to it so many times, like I put it on repeat and everything. It's an awesome song! Don't stop writing!
imagination.will.suffice chapter 17 . 9/2/2015
You made me cry.
Joanne Esther chapter 19 . 8/24/2015
I love this story..This is like the 4th time I'm reading it again )
xxdisneygirl2xx chapter 19 . 6/28/2015
Ok you are not going to end my fav story like that! I love you and it too much! Can they at least you know...have "that" scene...that would be hot! But please don't end it... WHY WOULD YOU DO IT...(go cried in corner) I love it too much why would she do it?
Dondy chapter 19 . 5/22/2015
Hey! I have read your last chapter as soon as you posted it. Thanks again for doing it, I was dying to know the end of the story! Even though it's not an original story, thank you for adapting it Auslly style. I loved reading every single chapter and I truly think it is one of the best A&A fanfictions I have ever read. Since now there are less Auslly fanfictions and more poor writing, yours was definitely a pleasure to discover every month (or every seven months for the last chapter ;) ). Good luck with everything you want to do in the future! I think I am going to read it again from the beginning.
Joanne Esther chapter 19 . 5/17/2015
Is this the last chapter ?
Pls update . This story is very sweet :) 3
Guest chapter 19 . 5/3/2015
I just read the first chapter to the last. Honestly this was one of the funniest and best stories I've ever read. It was so adorable. It made me want my parents to ship me to Paris just to find this but knowing it won't happen. Anyway it was so cute and hope you do more kind of stories like this one. Good job
Guest chapter 19 . 5/3/2015
I cry almost about all of the story
Ausllya.k.aRaura chapter 19 . 5/2/2015
It is actually over :( but the last chapter was amazing and you are an amazing writer keep writing please and please please think about making a sequel. :D
Jasmine chapter 19 . 5/2/2015
This story has been amazing! Could you possibly, only if you want to, continue the story in New York?
Guest chapter 19 . 5/2/2015
OH my gosh this is just amazing. I love this sooooo much! When Austin was pouring his heart out I felt my heart pain... IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! I looooooooooveeeee this story soooo much! Its too perfect! THANKS SO MUCH FOR FINISHING IT
Guest chapter 18 . 5/2/2015
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