Reviews for The Voices We Fear
Aidyl James chapter 3 . 3/16/2019
Aidyl James chapter 2 . 3/16/2019
Aidyl James chapter 1 . 3/16/2019
Oh boy.
superlee chapter 17 . 11/12/2013
I think you did an awesome job with this story. But I also think you have waited long enough with the sequel. I do hope you are writing still, you have a talent and it shouldn't be wasted. Please let us find out what happens in Pt 2 of this story. I am really anxious to find out what Jasper has in store for the Myka and the team. Keep up the good work! And post soon!
Sacrem chapter 17 . 11/11/2013
Loved this story & can't wait for the next installment.
Claire chapter 17 . 10/2/2013
Dude, I NEED you to write a sequel!
rocci911 chapter 17 . 9/25/2013
Part 2 please? You're not stopping here are ya?! I hope not!
Dragonling743 chapter 16 . 8/14/2013
This. Is. AWESOME. I wanna break into a frenzied babble, but I think I might exceed the character limit before I finished having my say, not to mention the repetitious nature of my awe. Characterization was amazing, you kept right with how I perceive HG and Myka, and all of the others, though I don't think Pete would be quite so idiotic as to start drooling, though dude really does have drool issues man. seriously he can't look at a hot girl/plate of cookies without having fantasies.

Grammar wise I did not see any mistakes, occasional spelling errors, and format alterations but really, nothing too heinous. I've done the same. the artifact was amazing, the way you carried it, I wanna know who this Jasper guy is though because DANG dude needs a chill pill and a sock in the jaw to wash it all down.

Please, please, please, please tell me you are thinking of a part two, I'm bouncing on my seat like a toddler, I really want a part two, or another story, this was amazing, you kept everything short, you left me wanting more, I felt the emotions along with Helena and the others, I understood myka's fear, you have created something dangerously compelling, and I want more! Pretty please with cherries, stories, and tons of enthusiastic reviews on top?

PS. I had to put this here, because it seems I've already reviewed the last chapter.
Dragonling743 chapter 13 . 8/14/2013
NONONONONONOONO you don't leave the slightly crazy people suffering under the torment of the ghosts from their past alone in the livingrooM! I don't care how fast asleep they are! YOu should be watching her like a dingo watches a human baby!

Ugh! *facepalm* Helena, I swear if you do not find her, I will emotionally browbeat you almost as much as you will yourself! You just... UGH. Now go, no time for shocky, just find her, and get that slimy Jasper man out of the Warehouse before he messes with the office chair!
Dragonling743 chapter 7 . 8/13/2013
Okay, I am really worried about Myka, like freaking out, can't sleep. What the heck is going on? I almost feel terrible for having a slight moment of delight at the cute scene with Myka sitting on Helena's lap.

Please tell me nothing terrible is going to happen. You cannot hurt Myka. Who's necklace was that anyway?
Dragonling743 chapter 4 . 8/13/2013
Poor Helena, she's always fighting a losing battle when it comes to Myka, and love. I do wonder about that mysterious man. Dang it, I wish I remembered what's going on instead of just sitting here patting Myka's poor, cursed shoulder.
Dragonling743 chapter 2 . 8/13/2013
Goodness, I'd forgotten how good this was. I might just read the whole thing tonight. This is really good, grammar aside. It wasn't so bad as to draw my eye which is a common thing so you're good.
Kristen chapter 17 . 8/11/2013
Very good read. You have the characters down pat.

Your message said you want honest reviews, so here goes:
You could use a general editor. Punctuation in strange places, run on sentences, etc. Nothing major, but I kept tripping over this and it interrupted the flow of the story.
Totally common mistake - you use the same phrases frequently.
You did a great job with dialog. Not only was it in keeping with the characters, but it flowed. And that's hard to do.

Great job. I'll be very interested to read whatever else you write.
Aorta Heartless chapter 17 . 7/18/2013
Excellent job.
luveverythingtv chapter 17 . 7/4/2013
I can't even.. Amazing! can't wait for part 2!
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