Reviews for Avengers and Slayers
ConlonKeith chapter 49 . 2/9
How about a concept for Rose Tyler aka Bad Wolf where rather than being that the Bad Wolf causing Rose Tyler to not age(eternally youthfullness) or have a extremely slow aging immortal/near immortal. It causes Rose Tyler to be a sort of interesting hybrid being between a immortal and a mortal. Where Rose Tyler has a infinite number of regenerations just with on difference those regenerations have human rate of aging with human lifespans rather than Time Lord rate of aging and Time Lord lifespans for regenerations or even near ascended alteran/ancient(stargate sg1) rate of aging and lifespan. So that Rose Tyler can travel with the Doctor for all eternity long after the Metcrisis Doctor is long dead from extreme old age and yet while visiting the various alternative time periods of extraterrestrial/exteradimensional and earth based human history. And yet not necessarily cause any confusion/jealousy/suspicion among those who they visit since she would be able to visit with a ever older looking appearance/body/face from her original appearance/body/face and and then regenerate with a entirely new appearance/body/face and the process starts all over again and yet still be able to gather and retain newer and newer memories of each and every experience as she regenerates over and over again. And the Metacrisis Doctor could try to figure out how to tweak his own DNA/TNA in order to have the same ability as Rose Tyler. That is the sort of ability that could actually theoretically derive from a mixture of based/primary human DNA with following/secondary Time Lord and TARDIS TNA. Wouldn't that actually create a more interesting possible alternate Doctor Who Storyline. Longevity Lifestyle science would only be used to lengthen the lifespan of single a human lifespan long regeneration of this new type of regeneration process. Which has many advantages when living among humans and time traveling through out the various alternative time lines of alternative human/earth history. The same could be Done for Donna Noble and Clara Oswald. I had made this suggestion because despite the thoughts of those who want to find the cure for the aging process through genetics in fact removing the aging process/biological aspect of the Second law of Thermodynamics(otherwords biological degeneration) from the human DNA is just removing one of the core attributes of what makes a human a human being besides the emotional aspect. Since for human beings the aging process is directly linked to the human growth of knowledge and wisdom through time and experience. Because even if from passage of time the outer appearance beauty may decay/wane the aging aspect may help the inner beauty to actually grow due the growth of knowledge and wisdom through time and experience. This process could be a infinite number of life time opportunities to gradually become like a finely aged wine or a finely aged version of another type of alcoholic beverage as what those who drink alcoholic beverages would describe the human aging process. This what I actually view that near immortal species who age slowly may almost miss or basically completely not aging fully immortal(eternally youthful) species could miss out on.

I am really enjoying this story and I realize that you probably already have it finished or close to having it finished however there is quite a few things that I you would enjoy directly adding as a chapter by chapter story edit update or even as a spin-off story series.































Now Buffy the Vampire slayer can definitely have vampire hunting/slaying fun and your fanfiction version of the updated quantum mears can be said to have the ability to reach universes/realities/timelines that the regular quantum mears wouldn't be able to reach. And oh yeah there is also these to include into this story series:















bigfan22 chapter 80 . 12/11/2015
Fantastic story.
FreeAllFrogs chapter 10 . 11/12/2015
Ever time some villain mounts a unbeatable shield on a buildings roof everyone just gets dumb. Take out the roof and the unbeatable shield is useless.
jgood27 chapter 80 . 8/18/2015
Love this story and can't wait to read more
Star Iron chapter 39 . 5/23/2015
Is there going to be a lot of swinging between 'couples' in this story? It seems kind of odd to me that Xander is the only one doing the 'sharing' so to speak. I get that they are all virtually immortal at this point and are simply spicing things up but Xander's concept of relationships and fidelity seems to be a little warped or at least a notion brought about by a true lack of understanding.
Grizzmon chapter 77 . 5/20/2015
Okay... what about Buffy?
Grizzmon chapter 76 . 5/20/2015
Will Dawn and the Phoenix become friends?
Grizzmon chapter 75 . 5/20/2015
Yeah, not one of his best ideas.
Grizzmon chapter 74 . 5/20/2015
Plus the fact they are alied with the Asgardians will make the Kree think twice about invanding.
Grizzmon chapter 73 . 5/20/2015
I am loving this.
Snowdove30 chapter 76 . 5/17/2015
Chapter 76 is the same as 75.
Mayhem296 chapter 74 . 5/17/2015
It's great to see an update.
Keep up the great work!
Grizzmon chapter 72 . 2/13/2015
They are gods walking among men.
Grizzmon chapter 71 . 2/13/2015
Well, Xander team are technical gods with a minor G after Dawn upgraded most of them.
Grizzmon chapter 70 . 2/13/2015
The Cheese Man is just a Herring.
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