Reviews for The Emerald Heist
Blackpenny chapter 5 . 6/23/2015
I like the dialogue and the characterization, but the plot is a bit hard to read. It's got me hooked, though.
Blackpenny chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
Great beginning!
ThatSassyCaptain chapter 7 . 2/14/2014
I am VERY EXCITED TO SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING. I don't care if it takes months. It's good stuff. Fantastic.
HarmonicDancer chapter 7 . 2/14/2014
It's all right, I can completely understand. Don't get discouraged though! Take your time to complete your next chapter and with that, it'll just flow from you.
Looking forward to what's up next :)
Pink-Pencil-Girl303 chapter 7 . 2/13/2014
Don't worry! Trust me, readers are a lot more patient with you than you are with yourself. I can tell you that from personal experience, as a busy author who can't update as often as I'd like. I can assure you that I love what you've written so far and will wait as long as it takes for more. Sure, it's always hard waiting in suspense, but the suspense means that it's a good story, and worth the wait! Everyone knows life is messy, so my advice is to spend less time feeling like a jerk (because you aren't) and more time feeling good about your story and writing, if you can! :) Inspiration will come when you let it. So I do hope to see another chapter from you soon, but if not, I won't love this story any less. Catch you on the flip side! ;)
BabyBoop chapter 2 . 11/13/2013
Hey love the story so far! Just wanted to know who exactly is this Tom & Roy characters... Maybe I will find out soon :)
ThatSassyCaptain chapter 6 . 10/15/2013
Fantastic! I love reading the french bits. They're great! I actually learned about Tintin in French class, so seeing this all come together has been a great trip down memory lane for me. The plot thickens! It just keeps getting better and better! I understand school is trying and difficult, but I do hope you'll update soon!
HarmonicDancer chapter 6 . 9/14/2013
Well, here I am finally! :D
You have no idea how happy I am that you're back...with more of your spot-on characterizations and intriguing plots. :)
The only thing I have to criticize about this chapter was the fact that it was too short. :P I want to read more! *wipes away tear* Please don't keep us waiting for too much longer!
Okay, I lied. I still have one more thing to say...
HOW CAN TINTIN'S QUIFF NOT BE NATURAL? haha (that part with the hair gel was still pretty funny though, mind you)
Pink-Pencil-Girl303 chapter 6 . 8/26/2013
You're back! :D *throws confetti* Of course I didn't forget this story, how could I? I loved the inner monologue for Tintin in this chapter, his observations are so in-character. I'm very interested to see what goes down at this mysterious meeting... Tintin's quiff isn't natural?! *le gasp* You sit on a throne of LIES. Hahaha this Tom kid has some explaining to do! XD Oooh cookies, don't mind if I do... ;) *says with mouth full* Pretty please update soon, I can't wait to see what's in store!
Pink-Pencil-Girl303 chapter 5 . 2/4/2013
:D I want a cookie! And I also want to tell you that I'm so happy you're updating again. Great chapter! The formatting is much better - thank you. The translated dialogue helped a lot. Especially because the bad guy's conversation at the beginning was so funny! XD I quite agree - what a peculiar meeting - and I also agree that Tintin should be very careful... whoever was waiting for Tom will be looking for him now! And what was Tintin doing in the sewers? Please update soon - I can't wait for more!
UneMouette chapter 5 . 1/29/2013
Nice chapter, been following the whole thing but never reviewed it (you've done an excellent job capturing the early twentieth century dialects!). Very glad to see an update, this is one of the better Tintin stories on here, I think. Sorry to see you discontinued the French, I thought it added to the story, but can see how for many it would be confusing ('UneMouette' is obviously at least a little familiar with the language!).
kitawolf12 chapter 5 . 1/29/2013
Red- if you don't post on purpose, I will not be happy with you. And you have yet to see me mad.
Also, I'm probably going to have to read the other chapters again. I feel about as clueless as Tintin. Tom seems nice. I think. I mean, he's from 'the States', and he doesn't know any French, so he's quite lost and kinda helpless. Or is he?
Now give me cookies. xD
HarmonicDancer chapter 5 . 1/29/2013
Yay! New chapter! *happy dance*
Anyway, I'm really enjoying this! You've got Tintin's character down pat, which I really admire. :D
I also like the mood of this; it's very mysterious but it doesn't overdo it either to the point that it's just throwing it in your face
I'm not so sure about this Tom Cooper character though, something tells me that this guy is nothing but troubleā€¦
Anyway, I'd love to see the next chapter! Excellent work!
Pink-Pencil-Girl303 chapter 4 . 1/19/2013
Aww, and just as the plot was about to heat up, too! What a gem of a story (haha, gem - emerald, geddit? XP) The dialogue is brilliant! I just have two formatting suggestions. You do indent for dialogue, but you need to leave spaces between the lines, otherwise your writing becomes very cramped. Also, I suggest you break up big paragraphs, even if they have no dialogue, because it makes them a lot easier to read. My second suggestion regards the French in your story. If the reader can't read the language, it's very awkward for them to have to skip over it and wonder what the characters said. Feel free to ignore me, but I highly suggest you put their dialogue in English right there in the scene, but use italics to indicate they're speaking another language. Then identify that language in the after dialogue description. Like this "(italics) I am an evil Frenchman," the man muttered in French. That way we know they're speaking French, but we also know what they're saying!
Your actual writing, though, is awesome. After all, formatting is nice, but it's the content that really counts. I love your characters and their lingo! XD Even without Tintin, I'm enjoying the storyline of teenagers and their forays into the dating world. I really really hope that someday soon your schedule allows you to start posting again. I will keep a lookout on my story alerts! :D Au revoir!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/17/2013
You won't lose me for holding off- as I said it adds suspense, and devolpment of plotlines in our own minds. 'Will she take it this way? Or will she add a twist here?' That stuff just makes it all the more worthwhile to read once you have it up!
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