Reviews for Uchiha Itachi:Love of the Heart
Guest chapter 35 . 8/19
Got me crying, yet again. Greatly written so far
Jennifer Meechan chapter 66 . 5/19
Is this fanfic discontinued? I really hope not because I really really enjoy it. I hope you continue and put up a new chapter soon. :)
Num num gal chapter 1 . 2/4
hiiiiii i was wondering if u were ever going to update this story again? I would rly like to know bc i have been obsessed with it and it’s my favorite fan fic
Guest chapter 66 . 1/22
are u still continuing this? Plz reply so i know if i need to delete this tabi love this story sm
Guest chapter 59 . 1/2
are you still updating? I have been checking every day lol
Guest chapter 66 . 10/29/2019
Hello! Just wondering as to when u think u might be updating? I know you probably have a lot typing on but just so u know, I’m checking regularly to see the new chapters! Keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 66 . 8/10/2019
this is a really great story! Love it! Wish that Itachi doesn't die at least this once lol! All the Itachi x OC stories I read before have him dying and leaving behind the one he loves. I think that this story is great so far and Itachi needs to be alive. Even the manga has Itachi dying when I feel it would have been so much more effective to have Sasuke and Itachi make peace and amends. I cried all the time when he died. He was my favorite character in the manga/anime and in all fanfictions. Love the story so far; I know that there had to have been at least 1 person out there who truly believed in Itachi Uchiha and I couldn't have asked for a better story!

Kris XD
Num num gal chapter 59 . 7/29/2019
Ok i know this is a Itachi love story but i can’t help but low key ship Kakahsi and Kokoa. I thought it was nothing more then friendship and maybe a sister brother relationship but after the time skip to Shippuden things seemed different. not so much change from kokoa but in Kakashi. His body language towards kokoa is different with the way he’s always seems to be touching her and treating her softly. In future chapters can u go into more depth on Kakashis view on her? And his thoughts on the conversation kokoa has with naruto? I get that she thinks Itachi is her everything but her feelings could change. it seems Kakshi is confused but we don’t get to know his perspective that much. I’m just curious bc Kakashi has been for her all that time and she’s comfortable around him, and not saying we should forget about Itachi but Kakashi could make her happy... also, i went back and re read some chapters and I’m kinda frustrated bc kokoa was confident, strong and rebuilt herself into a proud Shinobi so why did she immediately break and almost Betray everyone? She was so annoyed that everyone was saying she could betray them and she said her main focus was Gaara and that she would be strong even running into Itachi. as soon as she sees him she breaks. Please give her more credit bc she has come so far and just wouldn’t suck it up. She got all that confidence just to end up back where she was 30 chapters ago. We need character development. it’s bout time she tried to be someone more than a person obsessed with Itachi and willing to do reckless senseless things just to talk to him. But anyway i LOVE THIS STORY! It’s my favorite fanfic and i hope u update soon and keep writing bc u r so talented!️
zerom1v chapter 65 . 7/13/2019
O.o Are my eyes tricking me? you're back?

Lol chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
Hey! It’s been a while... I am still hoping that you will update this story someday! It is my favorite Itachi fan fiction and I would really like them to be reunited! All the best :)
Nina chapter 64 . 5/17/2018
I need more of this!
pmann1 chapter 64 . 2/10/2017
I need more. Please hurry and update. I'm dying here! PLEASE.
Guest chapter 19 . 11/26/2016
I like this story this is a really good story can i make a suggestion for the next chapter to this story . Why not have kokoa have memories of sasuke when she and he were in konoha together and they had their moments together and have kokoa miss sasuke since he is now with orochimaru and kokoa starts to think about sasuke . I hope im not asking for to much i just like the moments sasuke and kokoa share together
MichelleDzl chapter 64 . 11/23/2016
Yaaasssss! Love updates!
Guest chapter 63 . 10/4/2016
Love this chapter! Can't wait to read more please update again soon!'
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