Reviews for Every Day Is A Winding Road
nayin17 chapter 5 . 3/3/2016
Love the idea of roses
nayin17 chapter 2 . 3/3/2016
Love Harry and Ginny
nayin17 chapter 7 . 12/9/2014
I know it's been years but I'm still hoping that you will finish this story
kayleigh101 chapter 7 . 10/25/2011
it i really nice story
charmeddangerous chapter 4 . 8/15/2008
OMG! I really LOVE it! It's so funny! Particularly the part with Sirius and Remus...I must've looked like a complete idiot, laughing by myself in front of the computer screen...God, really love it!
Gwenfrewi72 chapter 7 . 9/19/2007
Crap. Sorry to see that this story isn't finished. It was good. Real good. Probably one of the best I've read so far.
TigerLily15 chapter 7 . 12/22/2002
*sniff* that was so sad about Remus and the ring..*sniff* at least the twins saved Harry and Ginny, but stalkers? that's a bit different. So is that the part of the story that started it all? I am confused about that part.~Megs
Bonnie chapter 7 . 12/20/2002
I love your story. I just read it all I did not see it before. So just wrote this 1 review. keep it going it is in my Fav now so I will keep checking to so if there is more. I will review everytime after this one.

Thanks for the great story,

hermione chapter 5 . 12/20/2002
! ! how could you leave me here? You're evil, i tell you, evil!
hermione not from the story that's actually my name chapter 2 . 12/20/2002
hmmm...I like this one! Interesting story, enjoyable plot, well written...continue! No, wait, you've got seven chapters and I've only hit the second one...
Pseudonym Sylphmuse chapter 5 . 12/4/2002
Do you think you could change the rating to PG since this story can be read by children under thirteen without anything very bad in it. At least I haven't seen anything, some PG stories are even worse in discription than this one. But thank you for updating, since it only when to chapter four in the story on . Great job! It's actually sensible.
TigerLily15 chapter 5 . 11/23/2002
Awwwwww that was soo cute! Hermione had the greatest idea! That was quite funny how Harry found Ron and Hermione though! Write more soon! Please!
Erica Evans chapter 5 . 11/22/2002
Aawww! That is so cute! I really like this story and your dialogue is awesome and completely natural. But I really like this story, please update soon!

~Miss Erica Evans

P.S. If you get a chance, read my fic (click on my name and the on Secrets that Were Kept).
mamasita chapter 1 . 11/21/2002
good. short, but good. by the way the song "Everyday is a Winding Road," is sung by Sheryl Crow. (Who is an excellant singer)
Kirek chapter 1 . 11/21/2002
I must say I'm impressed. There is alot of humor in it and you explain the feelings between Harry and Ginny very well. I am looking forward for more chapters.
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