Reviews for The Prophecy of Minecraftia
AwesomeCoolGuy5 chapter 15 . 5/30/2016
Hahaha...funny how you mentioned Pokemon in the begging, and the chapter title is literally the names of the new games. Coincidence? I think not!
THE FIRE KING chapter 26 . 1/7/2016
Ummm... I don't see a sequal
Fishapedvanilla chapter 16 . 4/23/2015

Great chapter!
Fishapedvanilla chapter 10 . 4/22/2015
Okay, you want reviews, so here:

This is the best written minecraft fanfiction I have seen in a long time. The characterization, the side stories, the plot twists, EVERYTHING. Keep it up!
Fishapedvanilla chapter 4 . 4/21/2015
Interesting. So they're not enemies in this.
I like this fanfiction.
Coolreeb chapter 19 . 12/8/2014
Just saying, and I doubt you'll ever read this, but it's spelled "Danke Schon" :)
Nice Story BTW
NerdcraftMC chapter 41 . 2/16/2014
There has been no story EVER that has made me cry, scream, laugh or question life as much as The Prophecy of Minecraftia.

I has been a long, thrilling ride reading this, and I salute you for this amazing feat. This story is a work of art, so amazing it should be published and regarded as official fiction, not a simple fan fiction. This is amazing, I just can't describe it.

How you managed to pull this off will never cease to shock me. I cannot wait to get started on the second instalment.

Good freaking job, dude.
EldritchIX chapter 14 . 1/3/2014
In paragraph 54, you said Anna instead of Prea.
b3astslayer chapter 6 . 11/30/2013
"I turned on my side to see prae sleeping in the bed opposite, her chest rising and falling in a timely manner" 0_0 why exactly was he staring at her boobs
AngelTheSeventh chapter 12 . 10/29/2013
This is one of the only decent Minecraft fanfictions on this site. Yours is really good and well written. I've enjoyed reading this so far, and I can only hope it gets better from here on out, if that's possible.
Also, you've apparently disabled PMs, so I can only ask you this here.
You're the creator of the community known as the Ender Chest. I'm in the process of writing a story called Legend, and it's received many positive reviews. If you have the time to do so, I'd like you to please read it and tell me if it can be put on your community. I've only recently begun to write it, and if you can't accept unfinished works, that's fine. I wonder if I'm pushing it, asking to join a community and I'm only a week into this whole fanfic business. But if you're not going to accept it, at least read and review it, I'd appreciate that.

Th34wesomeness chapter 2 . 10/8/2013
Another great chapter! I don't have much to say, other than the fact that I can't wait to read the ending and the sequel. As before, your style is enticing, and I hope to include something about Alex Glowstone (probably in a scroll in my story).

So yeah... now I must go and combat my homework. Read ya later!
Th34wesomeness chapter 1 . 10/8/2013

No, seriously. This is great. I've been following Mellifluousness, Exb, HPE and a few others, but I can't believe I haven't found this in the almost-year that I've been on here.

I shall read more of this... and probably make some references to it in my own story, if you don't mind.

So yeah... bye!
chaosDesigner chapter 6 . 10/3/2013
I know this story was finished long ago, but I must say: THIS IS AWESOME!
Not much else to say really. I wanted to point out that the mapthe Jessica had was so much like a GPS that I started laughing when the voice spoke (out of pace technology much?).
Now wanted to ask you a favor: I just uploaded the prologue of my first fanfic and haven't gotten any reviews on it yet. It is a Minecraft story called "The Chronolosh". Could you, please, read and tell me what you think? The whole not getting any reviews is driving me nuts, so I ask you this favor, and also because I think this story is doing great.
Endevours chapter 2 . 8/2/2013
Wow and I thought my fic "minewashed family" was good but this makes it look like a very bad story you can check it out if you want to
osiahfduhsoadhfodsha chapter 8 . 5/8/2013
not timothy
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