Reviews for CROSSF I R E
Ms.PessiMystique chapter 13 . 12/7/2015
Oh.. Please continue~~ I'm rather curious who she ends up with..
eglgrl365 chapter 12 . 1/4/2015
MORE! Why did you stop?! ... Continue. NOW!
Jinxofthedesert chapter 10 . 11/12/2014
this is sooo good! Please, i beg of you, to update this story! It's awesome and interesting
Ignis76 chapter 10 . 10/21/2014
She's not bad person at heart but Shinki is rather selfish.

Uh-oh. Saruhiko is involved. This won't end well, not at all :(

Though I'm definitely seeing some hints of MisaKuri, (of which I'm extremely pleased about) but I have to wonder, do you still plan to pair Kukuri with Misaki? Because I can see the two are developing serious feelings of love for each other and the emotional back-lash would not be pretty for either of them if someone tried to get in the way of their budding love.

Also, who are you going to pair Shinki with?

Sorry for not reviewing recently :(
AnimeFreak145 chapter 10 . 2/2/2014
Keep updating! I want some Fushimi action
Haruko Takahashi chapter 10 . 1/17/2014
Great chapter! Finally some stuff about Shinki are clear now. Can't wait to know what will happen when The Blues arrive at school. Please don't take too long to post the next chapter! Keep up with the awesome work
Haruko Takahashi chapter 9 . 1/2/2014
Great work with this fanfic, It is really well written! Cant wait to know more about Shinki and her powers! Keep up with the great work and hope the next chapter doesnt take too long!
Ailhayte-chan chapter 9 . 12/23/2013
It's always a good read. Finally Yata meets Shinki... And Kukuri... this was too good. Please continue!
Ailhayte-chan chapter 8 . 8/11/2013
I love you ! I was waiting for you to update and you did! right when i updated my K fiction!

This is some seriously nice thing and i love the Yata and Kukuri pariring. Hope you keep writing more! Take your time it was all worth the wait.
Black Dragon 42 chapter 7 . 3/21/2013
LOVE IT! Keep it up!
THEotAkU chapter 7 . 2/17/2013
This chapter was a bit confusing but otherwise really good! I can't wait for the next chapter!
BTW, Yata/katsu
Ignis76 chapter 7 . 2/17/2013
Maybe you could make a little chemistry between Yashiro and Kukuri! :D

But I'm still all for MisaKuri XD
bookishdictionary chapter 6 . 2/10/2013
Cliffhanger. :I

anyhoo this is well-written.

Ohoho. I think Yata and Shinki would make a cute couple, dontcha think? ;)
NekoShooter chapter 6 . 1/2/2013
Please make more! Wonderful story so far
It would be great if you update soon! I'm really excited
Nyan chapter 5 . 12/30/2012
Love were the story is going. Plus, don't you think it would be fun if saru-chan met mi-chan? XD kehehehe (that mushki no รด influenced me! Q_Q..) nyan! This story is amazing!
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