Reviews for Dance Me to the End of Love
Guest chapter 7 . 4/29
Ohh please i love this song and this story! Thanks! You make me happy
Whovianeverlark17 chapter 7 . 2/8
this is such a sweet story. love it!
Jancey chapter 7 . 12/2/2019
Loved the story as I do everything you write. Thankyou. Just found the final lie a bit sad and disturbing.
Jisbon28 chapter 7 . 8/11/2019
This was wonderful! I honestly loved it, it’s just so amazing. The development and all the explanation. Just perfect! Thanks.
Martarafa chapter 7 . 8/14/2017
I'm finished. And what a surprise, it ends well, very well, it has made me very happy.
It's terrible what happened to Charlotte. Can Lisbon hide that secret? Hopefully for his sake yes. It was touching that in the end she lied to him, and that he was capable, I suppose his vulnerable state has made it possible.
Thank you very much for writing it, it has been a very exciting reading, at the beginning it was very distressing but everything is resolved naturally and positively. I liked a lot.

Quizás quisiste decir: Disculpas por mi inglés. Ha usado el traductor.
Apologies for my english I used the translator.
Martarafa chapter 3 . 8/13/2017
The beginning has been lighter and even funny with Jane naughty with the nurses, but then it has become worrisome with the subject of the video, poor man, but that impudent is leaving the hospital.
I hope he did not see much of that video ...
It is very interesting and original. It is hard to believe that Jane gave up her revenge, but once assumed it is a great story very well written. Many thanks.
I am looking forward to continue reading and I am very glad to do so when it is completed because it is very interesting.
Martarafa chapter 2 . 8/13/2017
I can not stop reading, it's very exciting. Partridge is vomit, what a jerk. I can not believe that Lisbon is going to see that, she does it to help Jane but it's still terrible, she can be shocked too ...
You are very talented writing but also imagining stories. I'm hooked, I can not stop reading.
Martarafa chapter 1 . 8/13/2017
For now I have only read the first chapter. This is one of your fics that I have never read. When they are cataloged as Angst / Drama I do not usually read them, it makes me sad that they end badly. I hope it does not end badly. I'm going to read it because I like how you write and I want to read them all ... I hope it's not very sad or painful at the end.
This first chapter is incredible, the whole team is very in character, and the story is very exciting. Evidently Red John is a monstrous killer, but here he gloats over his sadism doing that to Jane. I hope they come in fast and he doesn't have to see much of that video.
Thank you very much for the fic. And lucky that I read it finished, I can not imagine having to wait to know if they save it fast or he must see a lot of that terrible video.
Again with translator for awkward
MartyMc49 chapter 7 . 7/17/2017
Ah what a wonderful ending! I had wondered about Charlotte but know Lisbon did the right thing. If ever a couple was destined to have a child it certainly was Jane and Lisbon. Love your story. Thank you for writing it!
MartyMc49 chapter 6 . 7/17/2017
Beautiful song lyrics. Wonderful sung by Leonard Cohen. If ever a woman could fall in love completely - it surely would be while dancing to this song.
MartyMc49 chapter 5 . 7/17/2017
Oh my gosh. Jane and Lisbon have some of the best car talks ever! Loved the very sweet kiss.
MartyMc49 chapter 4 . 7/17/2017
The talk after the lights went out was great. We can wonder if Lisbon was lying about Charlotte - but she just doesn't lie. Hopefully Jane will have the opportunity to finish saying what he started to say before the lights came back on.
MartyMc49 chapter 3 . 7/17/2017
Yes, that thunder certainly heralded trouble - with a capital J! I did not, however, see Jane knocking on the door.
MartyMc49 chapter 2 . 7/17/2017
I know I've read your story before but looking at the reviews I realized I have never reviewed! I am sad and ashamed of myself - but have realized if I do review the rest of the chapters it will be over 100 reviews. I hope it in part makes up for my thoughtlessness.
Fiinalen chapter 7 . 3/10/2017
The name of this story caught my attention as it was only recently that we lost one of the greatest songwriters and poets of our time. It was lovely how the lyrics of the song were embedded in Jane and Lisbon's emotional dance scene.

The horrific events in the first chapter got me far out from my comfort zone but just like trust was one of the main themes of this story I knew from previous experience that I could trust the author to take the plot to spheres that would make it worth while enduring the painful moments.

Still, I was surprised and delighted to realize that against my (and Lisbon's) presumptions Jane did not turn out to be a mentally fragile or completely broken figure but a strong and courageous man. And it was believable, too: "The truth is, Teresa, I'd already played that scene thousands of times in my head," he admitted. "There's a reason I don't sleep." This shouldn't have been such a big surprise to me for hadn't he showed amazing mental strength already for years? I guess it has just been quite a common theme in fanfiction to present Jane as an almost lost case who can only be saved back to life by Lisbon's persistent TLC. Of course it is clear that he couldn't have survived without Lisbon (and that one particular lie of hers), either, (how could anyone?) but the difference is that in this story Jane actively took control of his life and destiny. It was Jane who abjured the desire of consummating his revenge to the fullest and instead decided to move on to his second and final chance in life and surrend to love. He trusted that Lisbon's love for him was and had always been unconditional and Lisbon proved it once again by watching the gruesome DVD and thus sacrifying her own peace of mind, and then destroying the disc to protect the man she loves.

I must mention my favorite change/play of words: "We're a pair, aren't we?" ... "Are we?" The change of ambiance, the anticipation, and the following first kisses made it a very touching moment. This description: "Jane stared at her intently, his lips slightly parted, his breathing shallow and quick" was exactly as I imagine Baker would've played his character there. Loved it! I would have liked to see how the scene continued had Lisbon's phone not interrupted their magical moment.

The unattached tone of the note Jane left when he went away for a few days baffled me (and Lisbon) a bit. Did he do it because he got scared of his own feelings, or because he was uncertain whether Lisbon felt the same and didn't want to scare her off? The subject was touched in the last chapter but I am still not sure of the answer. The last chapter was wonderful: sweet, funny, and tastefully sensual scenes.

Beautiful writing and storytelling once again, HS. There's a reason why I keep coming back to read your stories. Many, many thanks!
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