Reviews for Follow the MacGuffin
Guest chapter 22 . 6/29
ok no this is bull. The way Veronica is acting with Duncan is so far past appropriate its not even funny. She basically left Logan for Duncan the first time and the only reason she isn't still with Duncan is because he left. She should be doing a much better job of keeping an acceptable distance from Duncan, period. Logan is right to feel the way he is because she's not making him feel like its him and not Duncan. Its not at all surprising that Logan would be worried about her leaving him for Duncan
JAYNEALFIE64 chapter 37 . 11/7/2019
Your banter is great! But limit it to 5-10 words in tense situations. Leo & Keith seemed to be ignoring Mac's possible danger as they bantered. Again, Leo & Veronica bantering at the crime scene instead of calling somebody to arrest alexie, check the crime scene etc, Veronica & Logan back at their house bantering and snuggling when they knew they should be trying to help Mac. When I read that Leo died in a bomb I had a quick thought that maybe you had written Season 4. If it weren't for this problem I'd give you a 9 out of 10 on the overall quality of your story!
JayneAlfie64 chapter 13 . 11/5/2019
I like Leo but i had to laugh when Logan "accidentally" stepped on Leo's finger!
JayneAlfie64 chapter 2 . 11/4/2019
This is great! Mystery, suspense, murder, humor, snark and banter. What more could you want?
Trogdor19 chapter 39 . 10/25/2019
Ahhhh pregnancy cliffhanger! Fun hospital
Smut though.

I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed this fic. I know it was a ton of work to put together and I just want you to know I appreciated every piece you did so well. The banter was SO satisfying and witty, for Dick/Mac (a surprise fave!) as well as LoVe. You really nailed the dialogue for EVERY character and I don’t say that lightly. The action was thrilling and the mysteries were interesting. Good balance of action and more emotional scenes. I got this off a list of most recommended fics and I totally see why! Very high quality writing. Thanks so much for sharing your time, talent and hard work with all of us.
Trogdor19 chapter 38 . 10/24/2019
This was so emotional! It really got to me!
Trogdor19 chapter 37 . 10/24/2019
Aghhh! I did not expect the car bomb! Though Leo was so nice I should have.

I really like the moment where Mac hugged Logan first and he made her relax.
Trogdor19 chapter 36 . 10/22/2019
Agh! That was SO SAD! I really need Dick to get his memories back and Mac to not get sold to a unscrupulous Ukranian!
Trogdor19 chapter 35 . 10/22/2019
Oh man! I do not like this development for Mac!
Trogdor19 chapter 34 . 10/22/2019
That argument is a staple of the LoVe but you managed to spice it up nicely with sexy times, and it is deeply Logan appropriate to have him use his skills to help make his point.
Trogdor19 chapter 33 . 10/21/2019
Happy for the reunion and it’s cool Logan bought the house with his book money. I feel bad for Mac and mad that D doesn’t remember her
Trogdor19 chapter 31 . 10/21/2019
I really enjoyed Veronica and Logan’s reunion phone call. He was super funny!
Trogdor19 chapter 29 . 10/21/2019
Great twist!
Trogdor19 chapter 29 . 10/20/2019
Killer Weevil and V dialogue in this! Love the rappelling joke, and the ironic use of Freebird, which was spot on and made me laugh.
Trogdor19 chapter 28 . 10/20/2019
The description of Logan sleeping was adorable. Lol at Logan in a basement singing sponge bob!
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