Reviews for Disappeared
MickeeyMasen chapter 23 . 6/20/2019
I hope you will update again soon! I enjoyed trading this series of you!
RemmaForever chapter 17 . 4/22/2019
Bro I was about to say, "if you kill Bella! I swear! I'm gonna destroy you! (I'm just joking BTW)
I hope you dont kill her
RemmaForever chapter 15 . 4/22/2019
If you kill any of them...I'm gonna die... I've never stayed with a Twilight story this's honestly so freaking interesting
RemmaForever chapter 9 . 4/22/2019
Your the best!
j macphail chapter 23 . 5/22/2018
Great chapter! More and soon please.
decadenceofmysoul chapter 23 . 5/22/2018
Awesome story so far!
Bellaangel383 chapter 22 . 5/17/2018
Mind officially blown over here. Yet another very well written and suspenseful chapter! I can’t wait to ready the next chapter!
Miller18 chapter 21 . 11/18/2017
Good for Bella.
Debbie Hicks chapter 20 . 8/25/2017
Bella's pov
then a deepest loudest n oise then it really happen ed pulsating within m e then b ecame stronger then Blaring a shield then was shielding the hyouse then the Cullens n oticed a radiant symbol then blacking out had Anmesia of the attack was reb orn had Bright Strawb erryred eyes with m y battered friends were cold to the touc h then suddenly my bev hior chan ged dramally then Out cold this one broke our law you there who created you with b oth then with three with three then Executed but torn with them torn Murderedus/them but the ven om was spreading then it was in to m y heart throbbing with theirs Poppedthen brought here then no lon ger alive it stopped with theirs suddenly a slivery whitest color took it's place then had a alien mist of Red exploded then make me a bride of Dracula then it was too late then with them were undead then crashed freely then brought them here then no longer humans but ther embraced Kindred were Vampires then it was too late a Bride of Reah was born again Alice was horrified of the lifeless skin and Red eyes oh m y god we donated your eggs are freed but you hunt what you wish to tormen t James for the rest of his mortal life to tear his katra apart he assaulted me beat horribly but First to Kill him slowly gasp oh my god then news of m y chan ge c am e m yself was dead so they wasgifted in both powers showing was n ow ready then it really happened too late used from Vampires act b ut talk very sorrowful cold words the news of us and them were survivors then was hun ting for anim als as all in m y wedding robes was m y burial death rob es from NASA Help! Shimna! that news of us called us creatures of the night into languages were so thirsty then wore a raincoat look i am really hungry not Blood that was it more than supermonstrously of blood then the Vulcan first officer was both tall and muscular who is that tall dark but handsome he's taken yes then As all anim als left young behind then m yself was a priestess of Reah oh no BURP! whoo wee Bella yes what a hoe down of a barn dinner then it happened crap who killed animals she did had turn ed them into these ritual things oh my god taken by him but they did this with usthree then blown apart Brought here thenno lon ger there yes we still exist then no longer alibe but undead by the drug kept us alive ended up as hosts Dawn you ok I am ok holy moses meet my kitten look into the carrier then ACH-CHOOO! then a noise trumpeting like a very sick goose oh a dog poor baby puppies so our pets kitten s and puppies got kids oh no then noisiest children b less you ugh Carlisle he's allergic to Cats are carnivorous animals meet these twin s nice to meet you oh dear a smoke erupted was shy but really meek oh how tiniest he his meet m y puppy down Gorwon Tigger he ate a moth ugh not moths yes he's a baby kitten oh my god women from the planet Vulcan crap you punk ulp now paler than normal instead of tears v enomous ones took it's place was v ery vain bitter and but scorned but really vengeful but had slayer poweers so they my appearance was changed looked like a wild biker chick in her place was ton ed oh my god her DNA Is altering too fast but a host kept her alive while he fled from her of her powers James is really crazed but wacko he's insane b y now locked up for more than 291 years in to prison will b e ia old man yes forced the police to meld with the accused they had him into a privately crafted room he will be dead b y now good Dawn Read Spier on ce the court is set Did written a lot of words then the sentence life in prison for 291 years in a privately created cell looks from home he will be pleading his case for assault murder an d he will learn his lesson how Hello you preformed a mind meld into the asscued's mind granted Here what she did within his brain:James Hunter by law of the Un ited Federation of Planets we find him guilty of all charges murder treson an d assault of Lady Isabella Marie Swan hurt her more Officers I Place you under Federation arrest to Oolympia Correctal cen ter a cell design fot your tastes you will wear these from Caretaker an these then he screamed of the mind meld that she did on to his brain cells he was very insane you airhead sorry he will be in here under drugs yesOh my god he is really mad like what The Joker down here a kid meet my Brother he is crazed by n ow sis he did terrible things to her brain no way that was it healed from that attack like T'Pu did to T'Pol had a very most psychic powerful but headstrong young Vulcan chief high priestess that becam e a Syrannite so they were all members then it was too late us both thre were healing via our minds and katras began to evolve to be powerful mess wh ith us you'r Sushi Daimons Sis It's James he wan ts vengeance he is locked for more by the time he will not harm others yes Momma mia madam myself I Am your T'Sai of Vulcan myself was dressed like a priestess with them created a sect priesthood Help! it's my mate into labor then then took out m y ritual bladeAlicia was screaming too far shirling like a Le-Matya howling myself was acting v ery strangely of the gift within myself then raising upwardly then Brought it down then a Baby's wail was heard he had hair according to the VLD Lok then sandals were a Moving then dressed in Brown ceremonial Vulcan robes of spiritual offices Morris your son my hair into a Colif wearing a Upgraded Vulcan crown headress ears were Ocampan teenage with pierced ears were pointed with slanted but upswept eyebrows Alicia his name is Atreyu My ladyu yes Sir! she looks like from the planet Vulcan's priestesses she has advanced her skills ascended to the real ranks and titles of Acolyte of Gol good god man like on Vulcan yes they placed holographic lava but with water to make it burn this is Mount Seleya Sybok is born here what his siblings are seven have a Sehlat oh my god your b rain cells are altered made you a Priestess it's a woman of authoity ranks an d titles a female attendant never marry of non -Christian religion must have supernatural powers an d you are holding he is my godson via from the parents.
Theresa24 chapter 20 . 2/13/2017
This is a perfect segway to help Bella heal after the ordeal that she went through. I like that you are allowing her to do it at her own pace and have the family members give her the space she needs. Also, like that Edward is not pressuring her too much but letting her know that he and the family is there for her no matter how she feels or thinks. Looking forward to what will happen in the upcoming chapters
Diana Black 12 chapter 19 . 7/12/2016
next chapter please
Guest chapter 19 . 6/12/2016
Please update soon!
Do'B chapter 19 . 3/22/2016
Keep fighting Bella, stay strong and don't allow those demon, the enemy to take control. The fact Bella realised what was happening to her and decided to fight for her self and for Edward and everyone else shows Bella's strength and courage.

Looking forward to reading more.
TwilightWolf13 chapter 19 . 12/28/2015
Reneseme30 chapter 19 . 12/27/2015
I really enjoyed this chapter and can't wait for the next one. Good job!
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