Reviews for The Prince of Pandemonium
demonlordl chapter 6 . 5/3
This was the first accurate dream scene I've ever read! Bless you! Finally someone who gets it, thank you!
MyOtherRideisaMasterCycleZero chapter 9 . 6/5/2019
It's too bad you dropped it. I only try to read completed stories because it's too frustrating when a good story is abandoned with no hope of continuation. Honestly you should have updated your description to say "discontinued" rather than marking it as complete. I thought it seemed a bit short with all the set up - now I see why. Anyway, this review is more for possible future readers as you'll probably never see this. FUTURE READERS BE WARNED - extremely sudden, weird, ill-fitting "open" ending herein. Up until that moment, it's not bad.
Guest chapter 9 . 12/17/2018
I thought his master had to be human?

Damnit, this is one of the only GOOD Ghiralink fics on this site!
It's really over?!
Lair of the Twisted Muses chapter 9 . 6/7/2018
It's pretty sad to see that such a fantastical story has been left in such a state. :( I'll hold onto some hope that you'll revisit it one day, with a clearer mind and firmer resolve (I hope that this isn't coming across too harshly - I would truly enjoy seeing more stories come from you!). Best regards and hopes that you're doing well.
Kagetsukitsune chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
Inactive Account 2270 chapter 9 . 5/29/2017
Guest chapter 9 . 10/13/2015
please update soon
SeclusiveMana chapter 9 . 11/10/2013
No! Don't endnit there! It was super amazing! That was dark link right? Totally didn't see that coming! Whoa, when's the next chapter? Great work, your an awesome writer!
Bretardedness101 chapter 8 . 11/6/2013
*for defining some of the words that were not yet in my own vocabulary!
Bretardedness101 chapter 9 . 11/6/2013
I feel like you wanted to do so much more with this story, and it shows with how many mind-numbing loose ends were left. I understand that feedback is important, but as a writer, your focus- your inspiration, should be the readers themselves, whether it's one or a hundred. Do not fret over your writing; it was so elegantly written I had to keep another tab open for ! I admire the way you write and I was expecting so much more from this story. It was almost as if you simply gave up on the account of little response and great insecurity. It honestly makes me angry to know that had I been a few months earlier in reading this story, I could have convinced you to keep writing...

But, I must admit, had it not stopped there, this would have been a hell of a story. I would have told my friends about it and everything. This piece of work was beyond incredible and it derserves way more attention than it's received.

Now back to the high school me.

Why the hell was it rated M?! I was waiting for some music in the night stuff and it never came damnit! A woman had her needs! And I needed some sexy Ghiralink time! gwwaarrrh! (ALSO, while I've got your attention, where's the sequeal to the closest thing to madness? I NEED TO READ IT I MUST READ IT GHIRAHIM IS TOO FABULOUS TO LEAVE HANGING LIKE DAT)
ColdHeartedVixen chapter 9 . 11/6/2013
A real pity... it was a really interesting plot. It didn't deserve such a pathetic ending... no offense. We both know you kind of gave up, and I get it; not enough reviews, not sure where the story's going, etc. I just wish that you gave it a few more chapters. Oh well...
Guest chapter 9 . 9/19/2013
Oh my god i love this much, I'm so intrigued please update soon. I can't wait to see where this is going !
snarkyfish chapter 1 . 9/8/2013
Oh snap! Dat ending. Heheheh.
Cammypet chapter 9 . 9/2/2013
I loved this story.
Wish there was more to it, but I totally understand why you didn't want to continue.

Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed this story. :)
geeksgottageek chapter 9 . 8/17/2013
only you think the quality has dropped, my friend! i'm so sad to see this story go, and i'm sorry you had to make that decision TT_TT it was one of my favorites. but i look forward to more stories in the future!
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