Reviews for Finding Love Changes Your Life
FrKiwi chapter 47 . 5/15/2013
Awwwww :') That was a nice story, thanks for this ! :) xx
Guest chapter 47 . 5/7/2013
;(...;) tears
rachna.sharma.39 chapter 47 . 5/9/2013
I've been reading this story over the past 2 weeks and I've really enjoyed it. I recently an account and I just wanted to say thank you for this sweet Naomily story. This is the first fan-fic that I've ever read and I think it's pretty good. So thanks for this story. :)
marsupial1974 chapter 47 . 5/7/2013
I can't believe this is done!? :( what will I do now?

Okay, I know that sounded whiny, but I really love this story! But I'll be strong:-)

I loved this last chapter:) I'm glad you set it later in their lives. It was very beautiful and sweet. I loved the use of the bouncy castle;-)

This whole story was beautiful! It showed how they could heal each other, through the power of Naomily love:)

Thank you so much for this story:), it was just as good as the last one!

Don't worry about my scales and meters;-) I'm pretty sure I can recycle them;-)

Well, I'm off now to start your new story:)
ali chapter 46 . 4/30/2013
Great chap! Please updated soon
liz-z21 chapter 1 . 5/1/2013
FrKiwi chapter 46 . 5/1/2013
Awwww, Naomily's babies would be the cutest thing ever :') Very sweet chapter, I loved it ! :)
marsupial1974 chapter 46 . 4/30/2013
I would have reviewed this sooner, but I was stuck at work:) but have no fear! I am ready to gush praise upon you;-)

First let me ask, are we getting a honeymoon chapter from Naomi's POV? Because that would just be awesome:)

There was so much about this chapter that made me so damn happy, I almost burst! I mean, really! The girls in skimpy bathing suits? Who's not imagining that as they read it?

And then there was the surprise Naomi planned for Emily! A day alone in seclusion? Yeah, like that's not hot!

But lets not forget Emily's surprise for Naomi:) a romantic dinner for two! It's a wonder that Emily didn't just plan that one in their hotel room;-)

Then there was the diving with the sea animals? I mean, come on! Could this honeymoon get any better?

Oh yes it can, you say! Because then came the "Starting a Family With the Love if My Life" talk!

I must say, the whole chapter left me speechless! Well not totally speechless, but I didn't say a word while I was reading it;-)

Well done! As always, mon ami, a total pleasure to read:-)
marsupial1974 chapter 45 . 4/29/2013
Merry Christmas to the girls! ;-) although to be honest, I'm pretty sure they'd have been happy with each other wrapped up in a bow!

Another beautiful chapter:-) it's hard to believe that this story will be ending soon:( I mean what will I do with all my scales and meters?

Anyway, until next time mon ami:-)!
hr chapter 28 . 4/23/2013
marsupial1974 chapter 44 . 4/24/2013
Okay, does anybody have a tissue? I literally had tears in my eyes as I read this chap! Well done! It makes me want to get married, in London;-)

The sweetness of this chapter was totally off the charts! And the details about the wedding? It felt like I was there:)

And yes, I was wearing my best pair of shorts and my nicest t-shirt;-)

The best part of this chapter was their vows! I mean, you could feel the emotions from both of them! That's powerful:-)

Brilliant job, mon ami;) until next time!
marsupial1974 chapter 43 . 4/21/2013
That is so freakin' cool! Emily is awesome! :-) yay! The wedding! I'm so excited, and I may just cry a little bit:) I always tear up at weddings.

I loved the texts between them:-) its almost like they can't enjoy themselves without one another around:) I think it's cute!

Another wonderful chapter:) as always, a pleasure to read.
Guest chapter 42 . 4/16/2013
When everything is so fucking wonderful, after a while it becomes boring
marsupial1974 chapter 42 . 4/16/2013
Sweet! The hen night! Or as we say in America, the bachelorette party;-) although, hen nights sound a lot wilder!

I think it's super cool that Cook got to attend:) but I see why;-)

Brilliant chapter, my friend! I know you can't see it, but I'm applauding you right now:)

And , just so you know, I've had the shorts out and waiting since last month, but Mother Nature had other plans for us here in the tips of the mitten last week:(

Anyways, have a gorgeous day!
FrKiwi chapter 41 . 4/13/2013
Can't wait for the wedding :p x
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