Reviews for Fertile Imagination
Guest chapter 6 . 2/29
Wow, Lanie is a piece of work. Why didn't Kate send HER for coffee rather than let the presumptuous woman send her husband away since you have Kate thinking IMMEDIATELY after that she'd rather have her husband with her, who cares if her supposed friend took time off if she doesn't care at all about Kate's wants and needs?
Guest chapter 3 . 1/13
How can you writer's be so arrogant that certain character have some rights that they deserve like Castle being the first one to know that Beckett is pregnant. But some idiots always able to get fucking Lanie in the mix. It's like she is always third wheel in their relationship. If you guys like to do that then why you don't only make pairs of Beckett/ Lanie. Don't need to include Castle. Hypocrite.
castle2126 chapter 4 . 9/20/2019
Disappointed in your writing. First Castle and Backett were best friends before they became a couple and He deserves to know first before anyone whatever you argument is against that is wrong after what they had been through there is no way in hell someone else deserves that place and you brought Lanie. And then Backett goes all snippy on Castle. Why? What you cannot hold Backett responsible for her actions because if Castle had done that everyone will be looking out for his blood. And what's with the Esposito attitude that slim bag who can't hold a relationship properly and always look for hooking up with girls even sometimes with the suspects, he is judging Castle on behalf of his past tell me when he will be held accountable for insulting Castle because Everytime it's Castle who had to prove himself not Backett and that bastard had to judge. Put him in self reflection spot. And again Lanie comforting Backett by insulting Castle. Deeply disappointed in you.
Guest chapter 12 . 7/7/2018
The year is 2018, and I still overwhelmed by this story. Thank you for this, and those dozens other stories. God bless you
2007gracee chapter 11 . 11/8/2017
Great story
Muscovy chapter 12 . 5/2/2017
Beautiful story, so much love and tenderness conveyed in your words. Brilliant. Thank you
CKL chapter 12 . 3/7/2017
Beautiful story, Liv. I was brought to tears several times while reading it. I am totally addicted to your writing. Thank you for embracing the characters so thoroughly.
hug-me chapter 12 . 10/15/2016
Oh my Liv. I know this is one of your older stories but I'm only just getting round to it. Sooooo beautiful and heart warming! I am crying right now! I love the name and how we got to see all the Castle members meet her:) the beginning of the story where Kate takes Castle to the chapel to tell him was so interesting to read. Loved the back story you created! Thank you!
lauhall chapter 12 . 9/20/2016
Sweetest story ever, loved it so much.
Phyllis Nethken chapter 12 . 8/13/2016
I am typing my review for the entire story. I am a huge fan fiction supporter and I don't know how I missed this one for such a long time. It is a beautifully written piece and I thank you. It is a shame you did not write episodes for my favorite show because you have a wonderful way with words and plots and you put the readers right where they need to be. Thank you always Liv for all you do. I have enjoyed so many of your works. my email is
ksatan624 chapter 12 . 6/29/2016
trop bien !
ksatan624 chapter 11 . 6/29/2016
moi aussi, les larmes aux yeux... j'ai ressenti toutes les émotions comme si j'étais avec eux !
ksatan624 chapter 9 . 6/29/2016
non non, c'est bien ; pas trop de détails ; tout est en place ; tout se lit facilement et avec amusement.
ksatan624 chapter 8 . 6/29/2016
Always LOL !
"You are not, I repeat, not tweaking my nipples today, Richard Castle." LOL ! a
Ah ah ! this Richard Castle is a phenomen with her/his story ...
ksatan624 chapter 7 . 6/29/2016
I'm waiting to push something the size of a bowling ball through an opening the size of a golf ball sometime later today... Wath comparaison ! LOL!
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