Reviews for Teenage Torture Session or When Dad Shows off Your Baby Pics
Hackthecatboy chapter 2 . 11/22/2014
OMG this is so cute! Keep up the good work! Will there be more?
Lunatic Yaoi Fangirl chapter 2 . 11/15/2014
This was amazing :) I loved it so much 3 It was beautifully written, descriptive, the characters kept in tune, humorous (I laughed so much when I read about Stiles biting old ladies on the asses xD), hot (the sterek kisses and make-outs ;w;), and just perfect 3 Keep up the marvelous work 3
x.keepingthemoon.x chapter 2 . 11/4/2014
haha this is great :)
MAFITA chapter 2 . 9/21/2014
I loved this! I don't know why I haven't read this before now, but I loved it! :D I really hope you plan on continuing this... Hope to read you soon! (please? :D) Kisses!
catchthegoldensnitch7 chapter 2 . 9/20/2014
AGH this was so cute! I squealed. A lot... I love carefree/playful Derek.
delia cerrano chapter 2 . 9/15/2014
Lots of love to you. Poor Scott. So now they are a couple...Derek and Stiles? Just waiting for Stiles to be 18 to go further?
That0neBitchOverThere chapter 2 . 9/15/2014
Oh my gosh, this is great! You should definitely continue!
mttmercado chapter 2 . 9/15/2014
Stiles saying Mine is just so much sweeter
Lunereclipse12 chapter 1 . 9/11/2014
I love love love this fanfic!
MentToBeForever chapter 1 . 11/9/2013
Tsuki003 chapter 1 . 10/20/2013
Aww, so sweet :) Shame it hasn't some sequel or other chapters, but... yeah I know, there are also ff without smut :D But this was cool and Derek was sooo vulnerable... I like it :)
PoisonAndSugar chapter 1 . 5/26/2013
okay, so I'm just basically adding to my favourites all of your teen wolf sterek fics.

because I need more Sterek, especially in this agonizing period of time where Stiles and Derek both have potential love interests in TW season 3.

So I'm just really happy to read your sweet and fluffy Sterek fics.

Catherine chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
"Derek isn't exactly a 'guy.'" Nope, haha, he is a hot HOT, gorgeous, well built, rough, stubble-covering-his-chin MAN

This line gave me chills, oooOOoo, "What Stiles sees in Derek's eyes – which are now a peculiar mixture of heather, green, and something dark, if that's even possible – causes his breath to catch in his throat."

This was so cute, I can't even count the ways. It had warm feelings and tender glances all the way through.
Lidil chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
Teen Wolf, too?

\O/ FTW!
12635397 chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
Need more! And more and more and more! So cute!
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