Reviews for The Doctor's Star Wars
Dzarsos chapter 22 . 9/6/2019
I don't mean to flame, but why did you even bother having 10 in the story? He was the cleverest, fast-talkingest, Rose-Tyler-lovingest Doctor of them all, and you kill him with Carbonite? And this after cribbing his "I don't want to go", which instead of being heartbreaking at the end of a long journey, just makes him sound whingy here, because he's done nothing? *sigh*

To be clear, I am really enjoying the story itself, particularly Rose's journey, but yeah... I have no desire to see Rose v. River for 11's affections - having them all together is just weird and tense.
JovianJeff chapter 30 . 8/3/2015
No, you're rant at the end didn't offend me, puzzled me, but didn't offend me. That said, thank you for a fine ride through the thirty chapters you wrote.
JovianJeff chapter 29 . 8/3/2015
Nice build up to the final chapter and again nice mix of humor in all the seriousness, love Roy's what a parent doesn't want to hear line, yes, I laughed out loud. Great work! On to the last chapter!
JovianJeff chapter 27 . 8/3/2015
A daft plan? Yep, THAT's the Doctor! I love how you mix humor in the serious situations, and among all the moments of them, nurse with a lightsaber still brings a smile to my lips. Onward to the next chapter!
JovianJeff chapter 26 . 8/3/2015
Hmm...I don't recall 11 ever saying he loathed religion, one episode he respected a woman's wish not to watch and she knew she'd give up hers when the monster-of-the-week took her and another, Rings of 'something' he lightly told Clara ''That's what they believe" without any rancor. But I haven't read the books and there are an episode or two I've missed. Still it seemed like an out of place line for this Doctor. Nice possibly set up for the Library. Onward to the next great chapter!
JovianJeff chapter 25 . 8/3/2015
There were a few laugh out loud moments there in this chapter and I loved them, from the near slip about Luke, followed by spoilers, to mummy and daddy fighting, this I have to see. I also applaud your writing of 11 and the AN about wanting to include Martha (and the others, but I am a Martha fan). Onward to the next chapter!
JovianJeff chapter 24 . 8/3/2015
It was sweet and a sweet chapter and I loved it. Character interaction over action any day and you do it well.
JovianJeff chapter 22 . 8/3/2015
Wonderful way to go to 11, although I was surprised, I had expected you to write a save for Oola given River was posing as one of the dancers. Well on to the next chapter, yay!
JovianJeff chapter 20 . 8/3/2015
Ah, I see we're the opposite with Amy and Rose, the latter my least favorite companion, but despite that its been a good story and continues to be so. Twenty good chapters down, ten more to go. On with the fine show you've put on!
luke chapter 1 . 2/4/2015
jj12 chapter 6 . 9/7/2014
HAN SHOT FIRST! I would insult Lucas but since he donated a fortune to charity I'll have to just photo shop a photo of his head onto a Jedi and put a halo over his head with an explosion in the background to make him look like a boss.
KitKat724 chapter 6 . 5/27/2014
I love the interactions between the Doctor and Obi-wan!
Arrowhead1996 chapter 30 . 1/16/2014
This was so great! I thought Amy doing that at the end was sad, but I understand why you did it. I look forward to the next one, I'm off to read it!
Sarpndo chapter 19 . 11/11/2013
um, how did the doctor get his screw-driver back?
Sarpndo chapter 5 . 11/11/2013
i do love how you've "Doctored" the Star Wars universe. :)
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