Reviews for By Any Other Name
2bored4u chapter 1 . 3/9/2019
I heard about this story from the author’s notes of another heart-wrenching fanfiction about Gohan and finally got around to checking it out. After the first few chapters I decided that it was going to be soul crushingly depressing; it was exactly what I signed up for and more. I couldn’t stop reading until I had reached the end. This story has a brilliant way of making its readers feel every single one of the characters’ emotions that I found myself laughing with Reynin after he killed Commander Turnitz— crying with him when he broke down in Piccolo’s arms. I felt the hopelessness Gohan felt after losing to Reynin as well as the newfound pride he has in his brother. No matter where this story goes next— Buu or no Buu, conclusion or no, I’ll be happy that I found it and was able to go along for the ride.
Zuchiku chapter 38 . 11/17/2018
Just stumbled across this and couldn' t stop reading.
I love how we know exactly how Reinyn came to be, it was rather emotional at times and at one point i completly forgot about the orginal timeline.
I'm glad they got together as a family. I'm kind of wondering what happened in the afterlife, there was a little parqgraph once when Reinyn was sick but since the nothing, I kind of expected the Alien of that race to be a bit more involved in healing him or at least how she thought of things as well as Chi-Chi's opinion.
Great story so far and wondering how things go from here.
SaintMichael95 chapter 4 . 1/2/2018
Omfg it's not "kammi" or "yashirobe" it's "kami" and "yajirobe" please fix it. I know it was probably autocorrect that did it but please fix it.
BU chapter 38 . 11/8/2017
It's rather a thrill to see a Gohan fic from someone who actually GETS Saiyiman - that's almost unheard of. It's dismaying how few fans ever got the joke, when it was by far my favorite part of the over-long, meandering/confused, Buu arc. Orange Star High School was a well set-up story situation with a strong supporting cast that has gotten over with a lot of fanfic writers, virtually none of whom see the comedic possibilities of Our Hero having teh powers to play Superman -through a Japanese/Karmen Rider-esque (or Power Rangers, if you will) lens- so yo, he PLAYS SUPERMAN. He's got a gutsy little Lois Lane who kicks butt instead of falling out windows, and there's endless fun to be had with that. I could imagine whole fics just The Adventures of Saiyaman, not that I sense Saiyaman even getting mentioned much more in THIS narrative, ongoing. [shrugs]

The stuff with the Music -echoes of Bardock being cursed with precognition- is effective and interesting. Sullen killer Reinyn at the piano, yes; love it. The moment last chapter he hears the French Horn and sees something that's been missing, yes. I'm a sucker for a good redemption narrative, and redemption through art works, for sure.

This is excellent, and more than usual for something good enough to stick with reading for over 100,000 words, I want more. Thank you for this much so far.
Guest chapter 38 . 9/25/2017
the three son brothers have an interesting relationship, love seeing how Reinyns circumstances in life have developed his view on paternal/brotherly advice.
ilex9 chapter 38 . 8/30/2017
Still liking it a lot. Take it where you want to - if that means no Buu ever even happens that's fine it's your AU
Ronden Kiagre chapter 38 . 8/29/2017
Yeah, I wouldn't bother with reaching the Buu saga. Most of it is padding anyway. I would recommend reading a synopsis, watching a few clips on youtube, and trying to stitch together the handful of good ideas and scenes as best you can. Cause honestly, that shit is just way too long, and not very good. It's got a few great bits of character development, Saiyaman is fun, and Super-Buu has his moments, but as a whole it was a pretty major letdown, especially coming off the back of the Cell arc.
Maritza92 chapter 37 . 8/24/2017
I would love to know if Gohan and Videl will ba com a couple and will Reyen get a girfriend? How will the music lessens go? I would love to know wat happens next.
ilex9 chapter 36 . 8/23/2017
Awesome. Glad you made it.
Orchestra Of Order chapter 4 . 8/22/2017
Well this'll be interesting
Orchestra Of Order chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
ilex9 chapter 35 . 8/22/2017
I go back and read the whole thing because I think I left off more than 10 years ago, at least. This story is still fantastic and I could care less about the spelling of some things bc I know what you mean. I'm really glad you picked it back up and excited to see where it goes.
Guest chapter 34 . 8/18/2017
Loved this chapter. The dynamic between Gohan and Reinyn as they move forward is interesting, excited for the next part!
Maritza92 chapter 34 . 8/9/2017
I would love to know what happens next. Please don't put Saiyaman in. I can handel a lot but not Gohan making a fool of himself in that rediculace get up. I would like to see how Reinyn handels other humans besides Chi Chi.
Maritza92 chapter 33 . 8/8/2017
I love your story. I would like to see if the new arangment would work out foe Reinyn and Gohan. And if they can fix Reinyns problems.
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