Reviews for Of Gods and Magic
InsertRandomUncreativeNameHere chapter 19 . 7/20
Please update. Quick question-I wasn't clear on whether Nico was raising the dead Death Eaters to fight. Was he?
DragonMaidenSummer chapter 19 . 1/17
Best story ever!
LovelyLuly chapter 1 . 12/3/2018
*clears troath*i could say a lot about this but i will let tumblr do it for me:

Straight Nico Di Angelo is a joke.

bothers me that LGBT characters rarely appear in media especially kids media but Rick Riordan tries so hard to incorporate LGBT characters like Will Nico Alex Magnus Lester (others in new book I’ve heard) but homophobic\transphobic\lgbtphobic fans can’t just leave well enough alone like you’ve got a million straight characters and couples (percyabeth frazel caleo jiper juniper/Grover tyson/Ella Silena\charles Clarisse\Chris) why can’t you just leave Will and Nico alone I’m mildly pissed off at the amount of people that rather ship Nico\anyone female rather than him and his boyfriend I once heard someone insist that Nico was only dating Will to cover up his feelings for Lou Ellen like seriously can you just not!?

friendly reminder from your local friendly bisexual that yeah, bisexual representation is important, but stop taking it from the canonically gay characters. especially when it’s obvious that you’re only doing that as an excuse to ship lesbians with men and gay men with women.

gay and lesbian representation is equally important as bi representation. also there are about a million canonically straight characters, or characters whose sexuality is never stated, that can be headcanoned as bi without taking from the little representation gay people get.

shipping Nico with girls.

-mod Bill

5.i also fucking hate any het ships involving nico. he’s gay. stop erasing his sexuality.
dingo027 chapter 3 . 12/2/2018
The fanfic is excellent piece of awesome read
Kry Chi chapter 10 . 9/2/2016
Ughh Nico! You shouldn't be speaking Greek terminology out loud AT ALL. Especially in front of wizards!? What is he thinking?
Catlover chapter 19 . 4/4/2016
PinkRose235 chapter 3 . 12/30/2015
But... Ginny's a Pureblood too and I don't really see how that's an insult. Loved the chapter though, just pointing that out.
ArcheroftheDawnSkies chapter 19 . 9/5/2015
This is an amazing story, I haven't read anything like this story. I hope you finish this story soon, but I understand that your probably busy. I can't wait until Percy finds out.
enchantella chapter 19 . 7/24/2015
Please keep updating! It's been almost 2 years I need more! I love this and I so ship Luna and Nico! :) 3
Yolo chapter 19 . 3/14/2015
alvalake36 chapter 19 . 3/8/2015
are you going to make an epilogue or anything cause id really love to see one
SnailsWithWings chapter 19 . 1/10/2015
GriffinFlare chapter 19 . 10/25/2014
Brilliant, this is wonderful
Samira Vongola chapter 19 . 10/8/2014
continue please
Little Doctor chapter 19 . 8/7/2014
A happy ending. Sort of. Awesome story.
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