Reviews for The Story of You and Me
Sushiie chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
That's very cute :3
countesscee chapter 1 . 10/22/2015
I always re-read this every now and then, and to my utter surprise, I then realize I haven't reviewed on this.

Honestly, this fanfiction is helping me out of my slump. Your simple sentences, "There's nothing about himself he'll like, if Takao gives up now," "Takao cannot hate basketball. If he does, what will there be left of him?" are subtly inspiring.. and I truly need them. So, thank you for writing this. I teared up a bit the first time I've read this.

Aaah, this is such a classic. I love it. Thank you.
Kazucchan chapter 1 . 7/27/2015
I'm like an idiot. I should be squealing instead of crying. I'm SERIOUSLY crying. Maybe because I'm dead tired right now and stress is getting into me, but man, you touched my Takao fangirl heart. TuT You fit tons of memories in just a one-shot and narrated Takao's transformation brilliantly. Thank you, really.
Yoko Fujioka chapter 1 . 3/27/2014
kwbfhrgfujr oh my gosh this is just gorgeous, you wrote Takao's journey so beautifully, and I really felt all his emotions with him it was so good! .

This story was super cute as well, I think you kept everyone really in character, Takao especially, and the little bits of humor were a really nice add-on (like "he really should stop borrowing his sister's glitter pens" -that made me laugh for a good five minutes XDD)

All in all a really wonderful coming-of-age story :D
Infinite Skye chapter 1 . 4/10/2013
Holy this story is just glorious. I love how you portrayed Takao in here. I can just feel the crushing emotions that course through him because of Midorima, something Midorima himself is ironically unaware of this whole time.
This is terrible but awesome at the same time!
Actually you know what, all your stories are REALLY well done so I might as well subscribe permanently XD THANK YOU FOR YOUR WONDERFUL FICS!
ylfrettub chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
This was really cute. I enjoyed reading it. was really well written, too.
Jiggywidit chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
oh god
right in the kokoro
This is so, so very sweet. It makes me a bit sad to think that it's one-sided (maybenot?) but I still love it. I like to think that if Takao leaves the room for a while, Shin-chan looks through it and blushes and goes all tsundere when Takao asks if he peeked.
ahhh now i want more (;u;)
Irma.Arisa.Laye chapter 1 . 10/26/2012
Loved it! Midorima's not exactly one of my favorite characters... He's tsundere ways are adorable at times; but it also annoys me just as much. LOL
However, when he's with Takao, I love him! Maybe because Takao's just so lovable, he rubs off some of it into Midorima... and yeah, when he's with Takao, he's never really just plain-old, horoscope-loving, serious Midorima... he's SHIN-CHAN, and I love it when he's Shin-chan, when he's with Takao! :D
07 NIGHT chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
o_o next... please?
AquaLovesYou chapter 1 . 10/24/2012
I liked this so much! It's perfect how Takao's feelings morph. And omg, the way he thinks about Mido feels so real, how it goeas from hate to acceptance, and then love.. x3
Thank you, I seriously can't express how much I enjoyed reading this, absolutely loved it!