Reviews for Kiss me goodbye
Gleeful Darren Criss FAn chapter 12 . 1/27
I’m not even done reading the chapter yet, but this passage hit me, and it was so beautifully constructed that I had to tell you that.
(Actually, that is a really good analogy. For so long Kurt was like the sky above that he could see and admire, but only from afar. And now that he gets to touch that previously unreachable sky, it's just fair that the exploration should be slow and careful.)
Now, I’m going to finish the chapter.
Gleeful Darren Criss FAn chapter 11 . 1/27
I know you posted this a long time ago, but I really wanted you to know how much I enjoyed this. I love getting to see both of their perspectives. I was so worried that they would move into friends zone, but feisty Kurt emerged. I love this. ️ thank you for sharing this. It’s a great balance of sweetness and angst.
Swanbao chapter 26 . 2/9/2018
Well, I realise that this was written ages ago, so I don't know how relevant a comment might be now. Nevertheless, I couldn't close this story without saying how thoroughly I enjoyed it! I loved the plot, the themes it touched upon, the layers of meaning behind the characters actions, and the fact that, although it's set up as an AU, the characters behave and interact in such a truthful way ; this could be have easily been an alternative Glee version of the story, beautifully narrated. Well done.
the-power-of-love chapter 26 . 12/2/2016
This was a good story
SwichedAtBirthLo chapter 13 . 1/5/2016
You should Make a fan Fic with Aino and Zach
Noorha chapter 6 . 11/6/2015
I don't review much anymore but I wanted you to know that Zach is the first character I've read since I've discovered my own asexuality and his conversation with Blaine is so so similar to what happened when I told my best friend. You wrote it beautifully and it means so so much to me to read it. Thank you.
poppyhilll chapter 26 . 7/29/2015
I know that this fic hasn't been updated in like 2 years but this is so good. Your Kurt is just so relatable, I know completely how he feels. Thank you for writing this.
tbola chapter 26 . 3/27/2015
Really enjoyed this fic! i love zach and aino. I also like the format of the chapters, like three parts combined into one. D
RainySunnyEnding chapter 17 . 6/19/2014
Okay, so several months ago I opened this fic in a tab but didn't get around to reading it because it looked beautiful and magical and I wanted to read it in the mornings when I had no deadlines for getting up. And then a little while ago, a friend told me about a fic where Blaine's roommate is asexual, but she couldn't remember the name. When I did start to read this about a week ago, and asked her if this was the fic, she was really happy that I'd found it again. I was also happy that I was reading a fic with an ace character.
Until now.
Up until now, the things that I've disliked about the fic have been personal and it would have been horrible to leave them in a review (to give you an example, I feel that Blaine uses Kurt's nickname too much, and it makes him seem less of himself, and more that Blaine is creating an idealised version of Kurt. And maybe, to some extent, he is). But now I have a genuine issue with what I'm reading.
I began to fear that you had no idea what asexuality was when you first introduced the topic with Zach - "So I don't want sex, or a sexual relationship." Whilst this is certainly not the case for all aces, it is for some, so I presumed that this was the route you were taking. I am devastated to know that the trust I put in you has been broken. Zach's "preference"?! I am so offended that I don't know if I even want to read on. But this time, I can't leave it, because I NEED you to correct that, or at least say something in your A/N about how you have no idea what asexuality actually is.
It's not abstinence. It's not celibacy. It's not disliking sex. It's not being broken. It's not feeling damaged. It's not having urges that you don't act on. IT'S NOT A CHOICE.
Yes, true, you may not have known all this. But I am horrified that you could put a topic like this in your fic without first researching it. Maybe it's just because I have a researcher's mind. Probably I am only making a fuss because I am ace. But who would I be to sit back and say nothing?
I feel this is becoming more and more like a flame review, and I am sorry for that but you must understand how angry I am, and I need to get my point across. But now I'll try to teach you.
Zach is a romantic asexual. I'm not aware if you mean for him to be panromantic, heteroromantic, homoromatic, biromantic, or what. When people label their sexuality and orientations, they forget about the romantic label because, to them, it lines up with their sexual orientation. Or maybe they have just never considered it. And the asexual part? Well, I am presuming you know what heterosexual means, right? Is sexually attracted to people of the opposite gender And homosexual? Is sexually attracted to people of the same gender. And asexual? Does not experience sexual attraction.
It is not a choice. It is not a case of not having sex. Can somebody who is homosexual have sex with somebody of the opposite gender? Yes. Can somebody who is asexual have sex with somebody of any gender? Yes. Do you choose to be heterosexual? Do you choose to be homosexual? No and no. So, do you think you choose to be asexual? No.
So it can be Zach's choice to not have sex. At the same time, it would be his choice if he does get into a relationship (say, his Aino) and decides to have sex with her. Is that denying himself what he wants? No, it's called a relationship working two ways. But at the same time, a future partner of his shouldn't expect sex. You've got a similar situation with Kurt and Blaine - Blaine might be ready for sex, Kurt isn't. But the difference is that Kurt experiences sexual attraction. Zach does not.
Unless, of course, what you meant to say is not that Zach is ace, but that he is a sex-repulsed allosexual. Google, do some research, and then correct this fic, please. AVEN is a really good place to go. It stand for the Asexual Visibilty and Education Network. You can google that and then read some articles on here.
As for me, I haven't decided if I shall continue reading this fic or not. Maybe if you take to heart what I have said and make some alterations, I will want to more. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you've learnt something, and I hope you can pass this on to others in your writing and give us more allies, I stead of encouraging more people to call us 'broken' and think we need to be 'fixed'.
Ggcdrnde chapter 26 . 4/4/2014
I loved this story so much. I cried and laughed and cheered and everything about it was absolutely perfect. I'm going to miss your interpretations of Blaine and Kurt so much. All your OCs were positively amazing and while I usually shy away from stories that have Rachel as one of Kurt's best friends, (personal reasons, their canon friendships reminds me of one of mine that turned out badly) I really enjoyed your characterization of her. You are an amazing writer and an amazing song and poem writer. I really can't wait to see what else you've done.
jobelle516 chapter 25 . 11/16/2013
Kurt's sweaty face,... Blaine had been screaming and moaning some much less tender kind of words mere minutes ago...

Do you think you could write more of these scenes? They're sexy, but clean. You have us there, and I have a shelf of colognes to match those scenes.

Oh how you have me missing these days. Sigh! Swoon and adore. And: Thankyou!
jobelle516 chapter 26 . 11/16/2013
This was a cool chapter. I finished the story hours ago.

I miss them already. I miss Aino and Zach, and our guyz as you have them.
jobelle516 chapter 24 . 11/15/2013
Amazing. I'm breathless and in awe.
2 Ch to go. Tomorrow and may be later. So far, thank you so much, for putting yourself out here in writing this.

When I find the right, word or words, I'll come back and write it down. But right now, amazing is the best one.
jobelle516 chapter 20 . 11/13/2013
There are no words I could use, to describe how good this story is, that didn't detract from you.

This is an amazing piece of writing. From Chapter 1 to here.

Not sure how it would work, but I think this whole story, should be made into a series. I want this, as much as I'd love Dalton to see the light of day.
jobelle516 chapter 4 . 11/9/2013
Goodgrief for so much, Especially 012. (insert swear word 'f')
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